Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hellatine Dictionary of Bureaucratese
version 7.55

This dictionary is the product of many contributors, and is a continuing work in progress. Feel free to incorporate these words into your everyday vocabulary, spellcheckers, memos, wills, contracts and legislation. There are words just waiting to be defined! Please send imaginative new words, expansions of definitions, and etymologies. Please be aware that we strive not to include neologisms already published elsewhere.

Submit suggestions to

From the editor's desk Sow's Ear, Midsummer 2013

The move is complete and the HDOB is safely ensconced in this its new home. Not much else to say, but the weeds have grown in this garden, to be sure. I just didn't have the heart to plow it all under when giving up the webspace over at Earthlink -- it has only been 17 years, after all.
As always, entries from polar research stations, ships at sea, and orbiting international space stations are still woefully underrepresented. Entries from those locales will be given fast track and celebrity status. Given the prospect of any given reader being separated by only a few degrees from all others, we should be hearing from members of the NASA bureaucracy!

v., To shorten text or reduce font size such that reader comprehension is reduced as an unintended consequence.

(contracted form: abbreviate)
n., A place of permanent sideline. "Ted's involuntary transfer to the Tukwilla office was nothing short of ablivion;any hope for advancement was off the table forever."

(L. ab urbe livio: outside the city wall)
v., To make absurd suggestions, esp. during brainstorming sessions; to fill silences with idiocies. Also abmurancy, abmurant.
(L. ab mura: off the wall)
n., Deleterious supervisory alterations to a project which are beyond appeal or mitigation. Work made worse by revision.

(L. rarum res re ab viseo: a circus act made more dangerous by use of a blindfold)
n., A statement made by silence. "Chris ignored the invitation to Cheryl's baby shower, as an absentiment -- a third child, sired by a third boyfriend was just too much."

(L. ab sentimentis: without statement)
n., Incompetent help from others, especially superiors.

(L. ab victo: away from success)
v., to render powerless or meaningless. Also abviscete, abviscent.

(L. ab: without + viscera: guts)
v., to give bad council or counterproductive assistance.

(L. ab viseo: blindfolded)
v., To praise excessively and indiscriminately.

(comb. accrete + appreciate)
n., The subconscious belief that the name or acronym of a project or project team can confer special protection or guarantee of success.
(Engl. acronym: the initials of a phrase presented or used as a word)
n., The right word in the wrong place, or the wrong word in the right place.

(jargon, crossword puzzle design: a word which fits the definition and allotted space, but ruins the puzzle)
n., An internal redundancy of syllables inserted solely to improve the perceived importance or credibility of a word or the speaker, as in preventivebecoming preventative.

(Eng. corrupt.: additive)
n., (anat.) that portion of the cerebral cortex dedicated to mental calculation. (Brit. var.: addometre) Not to be confused with adometer.

(Gr.: addomos metor: estimator)
v., To test by experiment or subject to verification.

(G. heuriskein: to discover)
n., Policy, rules, regulations, or laws promulgated soley to demonstrate to power and authority of an adminocrat.

(comb. adminocrat +crap)
n., An autocratic administrator known for adminocrapracy.

(comb. adimistrative+autocrat)
n., Regulations or requirements which are beyond challenge or revision because they predate the employment of the officials that uphold them.

(comb.: administrate + trivia)
n., Elements of administrivia which routinely generate protests answered by, "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."

(comb.: admistrate + minutia)
v., To render a proposal anorchile specifically by an ammendment or ammendments which contradict the original purpose.

(L. ad negatum: to nothing)
n., An instrument designed to measure just how much ado is being made over a particular nothing.

(engl.: ado + meter)
v. to dress something up with inappropriate attributes to mask a less than acceptable subtext. Not to be confused with effectuate.

(comb. affect + actuate)
v., To make ones views known but deniable by body language, facial tics, or even body odor.

(orig. uncert.)
n., A state of mistaken concordance, where both parties erroneously interpret the position of the other to be in line with their own.

(L. ad grea: toward collision)
n., Hostility or opposition to an idea which has built up over time, such that there will be no discussion or decision, irrespective of merit.

(L. aggrementum: bue)
v., To torture a subject and those damned to discussing it by the repeated reopening of previously settled elements.

(inverbiative form: agony)
v., To bring both sides in a campaign to equal levels of small-minded meanness of spirit.

(contraction: a-holes debate)
n., A statement or document which is universally consistent in interpretation.

(mythol. akaphma: a magic jewel that affords the bearer universal language)
v., To offer a question of such brutal stupidity that it stuns the listener.

(Norw. akse: a stone used to pound okum into the seams of wooden boat hulls.)
n., A loyal and indispensible yet unsung assistant, usually assigned to an affable but completely disorganized functionary. See also criznomski.

(mythical character from Soviet bureaucratic lore)
n., The science of classification by symbolic colors or auras of printed or written textual and numeric characters; the basis for color selection in pie charts.

(Gr. alphabeta: letters + chromo: color)
n., Boilerplate text passed off as original or unique.

(Fr. alpeaux: horseflesh used for dogfood)
n., A counter-recommendation made to advance the unstated interests of the speaker.

(L. rerum alternotarum: unwritten things)
n., A microunit of comprehension or understanding approximately equal to half of a standard IQ point.

(after Dr. Masin Alzino, founder of the School of Conundral Logic)
adj., Phrases inserted in order to give power to a statement, often intended to become soundbites.

(pharm. Ambolerol: a naturally occuring steroid used in oriental herbal medicine. Derived from the plant, Macrotestis draconis.)
v., The use of special letterhead or the inclusion of proprietary symbols in a document in order to lend wieght or credence.

(from the jesuit acronym, AMDG: Ad Majoram Dei Gloriam.)
n., Convenient memory; the ability to forget one's own missteps, errors, and criminal activities.

(L. ab mnea: without memory)
see empule
n., An acronym misapplied in temporal terms, such as calling the Russian federal police the KGB, or referring to Russia as the USSR, etc.

(comb. acronym + anachronism)
adj., Unexpectedly well suited to a task. Seemingly ill-designed yet efficient.

(Tupi. anhinga: snakebird)
adj., Describing the body habitus of the seasoned bureaucrat; a proportion of lower to upper body mass approximating the Golden Mean.

(Fr. anjou: pear-shaped)
n., a grunt or verbal tic expressed automatically at intervals, to give the false impression that the listener is still listening.

(Scot. annat: a small wood duck, known for continuing to utter noises after dead. A bane of highland fowlers.)
adj., Powerless; futile; impotent.

(L. an orchis: without testicles)
n., A state of inaction where all are equally indecisive or anorchile.

(L. an orchis: without testicles)
n., a transipidate pairing of terms, where even the dullest of comparisons seems bright.

(Gr. anoxy: without air + moron: air-head)
n., The points of near equipoise producing oscillation bound within opposing poles of repulsion or attraction. In social behaviors the ineffective agitation resulting from contradictory demands such as working at a higher rate of production while providing more customer service. Also: maintaining a calm demeanor and pleasant smile while a manager explains to you how to do a job he could not perform if his life depended on it.

(Gr. anapodes: running to opposite ends)
n., A family of errors, that arises as a document is translated, edited or updated between software platforms or different versions of the same software. "Until Andrew brought it to his attention, the editor had no idea that his dictionary had long suffered an embarrassing appliction."

(comb.: application + affliction)
v., To reduce a statement to absolute brevity without loss of context.

(L. aprica: peach pit)
n., Irrational fear of repeating an error.

(Gr. psodos: stammering)
n. an impossibility plausibly presented, as is good science fiction. Also ardnassic.

(orig. unknown)
adj. Blunt or dull; without distinguishing characteristics.

(L. ab rostrum: without nose)
Any component designed to fail under stress in order to halt further progress, with the intention of limiting further damage.

(orig. uncert.)
n., Any keystroke struck in frustration, most typically in an attempt to revive a frozen system. The group secretary could be heard asking Tech Support, "so where's the asskey"?

(orig. Southern US dial., ASCII)
n., a public figure that becomes an embarrassment to their constituency through unvarnished public stupidity, ignorance, or blatant idiocy.

(med. athopic: defying logical explanation)
n., A verbal communication which cleverly conveys non-verbal clues. "The comptrollers attitone made it clear that the Sisyphus Project would continue."

(comb. attitude + tone)
adj. Having the properties of, or resembling an aun. adv., In an aun-like fashion.

(Aun. aun: aun)
n., The level of indwelling risk of or proclivity toward being or becoming a loose cannon. The tendency to go off half-cocked.

(Gr. auto: self + L. mitto: to send)
adj., Rubelike; guiless by virtue of ignorance. Innately or congenitally defective.

(Gr.a: without + zaphos: pinch or short measure. Refers to a facial defect associated with incestuous origin)

adj., Presenting a cold, negative manner, e.g. when faced with an interview, and clamming up, and becoming reserved, monosyllabic, difficult.

(botany. barbate: covered in short stout spikes or sharp scales.)
adj., Unshakable in an erroneous conviction or belief. also barmstrength

(Brit. slang. barmy: crazy + Eng. strong)
n., An innocuous nonesense reply used to gently dismiss the statement or opinion of someone that does not realize the meaniningless nature of the reply. "James routinely countered the impossible requests from his ignorant manager with eloquent barshamana, which was always accepted simply as technical jargon."

(Yid. barshamana: sheep manure)
v., to consider a decision only under immediate duress.

(OE, beable: the deaf and mute guard traditionally stationed at the door of the torture chamber)
n., Ingrained mediocrity or laziness jealously defended by the corporate culture.

(Malout Beba, 14th century cult leader espousing sleep as the highest form of active meditation.)
adj., Overgrown; weedy; a xygency of neglect.

(Rastafarian: b'dread'd: with superlative dreadlocks)
n., A bouscent, jenking bureaucrat; one that constantly annoys and alienates all his co-workers.

(OE: beele: an inferior rat dog.)
n., Poorly written programming code which masquerades as user error.

(acronym: bit encoded user meta error)
n., An unpleasant but necessary action which has no alternative. "It was a bissenstein for Dave to proose the amended legislation."

(Ger: bissenstein or bissen stein: a kissing stone or to kiss stone)
v., To strigulate or halt a process by focus on unimportant detail or details. n., the element of a discussion or negotiation which, without merit, forms the basis for impasse or filibuster. Also blagery.

(It. blaggio: a stomach cramp.)
v., To come in while the worker isn't there and alter a project he's been working on so that it no longer works. To surreptitiously remove an essential part of a device. "Wood blilbed the aluminum prism out of René Blondlot's N ray device. Blondlot saw no change, thus proving that N rays were a figment of his imagination."

(Hebr. bli leb: with the heart missing)
n., Work innocently performed off-book; untraceable items added to or removed from a file or document without any authorization, paper trail, supporting research, or fraudulent intent. The hallmarks of bobwork are twofold: 1.) the file or document establishes troublesome precedent, and 2.) The precedent cannot be rescinded or ammended, since its source is obscured.

(Orig. in blame of generic unavailable person: "I think Bob handled that case before he went into the nursing home.")
n., A state of resigned paranoia.

(Bohic: the historically most frequently conquered people in Europe)
v., To dress up or improve a mediocre product by use of a showy presentation or slick marketing; the use of flarbage.

(L. bonus: good + Gr. girdle)
n., A seemingly ironclad proposal with a purposely built-in achilles heel. Software which later allows the developer inappropriate access to customer data.

(Sipanyi mythol, Bos Nog: the Bull with a hollow horn)
n., The boss of one's boss.

(deriv. math.: boss squared)
adj., Long winded, disjointed speech; given to frequent changes in direction or apparent intent.

(OE. bourbor: a sodden chronic alcoholic)
v., To occupy a position for the sake of occupation or out of habit. n., a stand taken without conviction. Also bouscent.

(Fr. boisce: a large, plain white heavily starched shirt)
v., To quickly iron or press one's no-iron clothing; to make last minute changes which neither enhance nor detract, but kill time.
(Dutch. beeress: to dust )
v., To complain with false bravado, especially after public humiliation.

(OE. the owner of the losing rooster in a cockfight.)
adj., Lowbrow; oversimplified; idiotproofed.

(Amer. slang. bubba + L. forma: shape)
n., an angry country person.

(Eng. comb: bucolic+choleric)
n., Palpable tension during official proceedings which stem from unrelated hostility between two or more participants.

(from a metal trades acronym: Built Up Edge)
Descriptive yaddage used to enhance the image of an institution in its prospectus.

(Ger. bildnis: portrait)
adj., Disguised as colloquial or provincial in appearance or manner, in order to disarm a potential adversary. "Mary took a bumbative tack in her opening remarks to the jury, but her real target was opposing counsel."

(orig. uncert.)
n., The study of bureaucrats and bureaucracy. Arguably a grim fascination rather that a true field of study.

(bureaucrat + ology: the study of bureaucracy)
n., Any political view or ideology reduced to a slogan designed to fit on a pin, button or other small clothing accessory, as either a symbol or as text. adj.. Describing a political stand which has been reduced, ad absurdam, to fit the limted intellectual or philosophical capacity of its proponent. Also butonism.

(Fr. boutonier: a decorative element worn in a buttonhole)

n., A false act of penetence, intended to deflect further scrutiny or punishment.
(Hebr. kara: kneel + Mongol. ebedug: unbended knee)
adj., Bearing bad news or an awful truth.

(medicine. cary blair: a sample container used for fecal material)
n., Self-serving and self-perpetuating stagnation, through the embrace of perceived victimhood.

(acronym, psychol.: Chronic Acute Self Pity)
v., To punish by brutal public humiliation which goes beyond public non-support or scapegoating; to throw to the wolves.

(L. castigrere: to catapult [a person] over the battlements)
n., A person with such an inflated sense of self-value and entitlement as to behave as though immune and exempt from all mores of civility.

(orig. uncert.)
adj., Being at the core of a false memory; corruptionof the probability concept holding that the more times a place is visited, the more it becomes real to the visitor. "My work has been centeral to the success of this program."

(comb. form: central + integral)
n., A lower level manager, a supervisor, a lieutenant; a continuously irritating person with whom one must contend as a direct consequence of accepting employment. v., To harrass by constant challenge or questioning of mode, method or means. To maliciously derail another's train of thought.

(corr. Fr. chancre: an unhealing sore)
n., A leader too timid to lead. One hamstrung by an overblown fear of offending others.

(OE chary man: a simpleton frightened by everything)
adj., Holding a single belief or position which destroys any well deserved credibility in any other area. "Her belief in the concept of Heartmath absolutely refuted her years as a brilliant and intuitive epidemiologist."

(orig. uncert.)
adj., Nit-picking by nature; obtuse.

(Gr. cheto + tomy: to split a whisker)
n., a troubling detail; a sticking point. Also cilimentary, cilimence.

(L. cili-: hairs, hairy)
n., A display of gestures and body language which unintentionally contradict a speaker's text or intent, possibly a form of Turet's syndrome.

(It. cimifiori: signal flags)
n., That attribute or connection which makes impossible the removal of an incumbant officeholder.

(Sp. Cinchon: knot)
n., Peripheral spin-offs of a proposal or project which only divert, dilute or disguise the central concept;

(L. circuma: weedy suckers arising from the base of a tree)
n., a well-choreographed maneuver, artfully executed so as to duck responsibility. True practicioners can do this reflexively, without thinking. v., to perform such a maneuver.

(comb. circumvent + evade)
adj., Forming a natural junction or break point. n., a detachable part. Also cissism

(L. cisso: to cut off)
n., A subergate blue collar public sector employee which enjoys immunity from responsibilities work requirements by a combination of wits, union affiliation, and venomous disposition.

(L. Corvis civicus: a city crow)
n. The muddle produced by a team when the members are at loggerheads with each other or lack essential skills or knowledge for the project.

(Gael. clabar: churn)
n., naysayers

(Gr. clado: to throw + fenes: out the window)
n., A public information officer especially gifted in the art of "spin."

(Turk. clafir: a royal clothier; a valet or personal assistant to an emir)
v., To successfully sell setbacks as progress.

(Turk. clafir: a royal clothier; a valet or personal assistant to an emir)
n., the intentional concealing of defects or faults. Also cleidokakist,-ry.

(Gr. cleido: to hide + kakis: the worst)
adj., although entirely novel, seemingly long established in parlance or popular culture.

(Gr. cliso: obvious)
adj., confident, with time one one's side.

(corrupt.: cocksure)
v., Any word, phrase or material copied or lifted to better use elsewhere. Also: co-apt.

(comb. co-opt + apt)
n., A doomed alliance between two or more incompetents.

(L. cum fide dunce: with faith in fools)
v., To, with calm exterior, internally struggle to remember someone's name while in conversation with that person.

(Cognostics. applied study of nmemonics)
adj., Incapable of seeing incompetence in a colleague, particularly one's own nominee or appointee; blinded by pride or misplaced loyalty.

(L. cogna nullat: seeing nothing)
n., Fellow victims of a specific layoff.

(comb. cohort + hurt)
n., A strategy of shared pain. "Collention from the Engineering Department soon had the Sales Division in an uproar, which led to a suspension of outsourcing."

(L. collentii: prisoners chained together)
adj., Layered or with a tendency to form layers or strata.

(L. colere: to repaint)
v., To actively complicate something in order to fortify it against audit.

(Swahilo-French pidgin. com bobo: the work of monkeys)
adj., Structurally or contextually obtuse or distorted. N., An element of an argument which untintentionally defeats or discredits the argument.

(L. combolus: an object choked upon)
v., To placate with false empathy for an imagined wrong, usually so as not to aggravate an insane or drunken person. "We all commisherated with Jim, it was clear that he'd been drinking all morning and no one wanted a reprise of last year's incident."

(slurred form of commiserate)
v., Unnecessary addition of details, driven by lack of confidence.

(L. compulchrae: face paint or make-up used by prostitutes)
n. anything rendered inflexible as a direct result of an attempt to simplify or make it more user friendly.

(Medicine. side effect of cortisone overdose)
v. To redefine by sheer force of confident delivery.

(L. con que de se: with what of this)
v., To waste or steal resources under the cover of a far more wasteful or corrupt entity. "The draining of the social fund was a cleverly confested scheme, with the stock inflation scandal taking the limelight."

(contraction: co-infestation)
n., pathological habitual hairsplitting.

(L. con furcus addendum: forks added)
n., The paralysis of process, intentionally inflicted or not.

(comb.: Congress + congestion.)
n., Lip service paid with a show of pained magnanimity.

(L. considion: a criminal serving a term of temporary enslavement.)
n., Agreement among individuals usually intolerant of one another; grassroots polodomy.

(comb. consolation + solidarity)
n., The next-to-last added detail. "Bailey threw in his last cont just before the vote was taken. It was doomed, and everyone knew it."

(contraction: continuum)
adj., repellent in nature; unfriendly.

(L. contra: against + gregaricus: group or gathering)
v., Movement against the curve. To change a form or behavior by torturous realignment of the body. e.g. "We’re going to convort our old inspection forms to run on the new field computers."

(L. ab cum vortex: by twisting)
adj., Outwardly mildly prejudiced while inwardly rednecked, as a result of social or legal pressure.

(comb. cool + tolerant)
adj. offered in the nature of a decoy, to test for risk.

(Bot.: after the first shoots from a bulb or corm, which may regrow if killed by late frost)
adj., Superficially functional; occupying a position which appears far more influential or important than it is. Harmless or politically captive.

(OF. coer merant: a trained bird used for fishing)
adj., Fleshed out; fattened up; packaged for presentation.

(L. corpora: body )
n., A concession made in a moment of weakness.

(slurred [as drunken]: of course)
n. The grumbling background sound of discontent or rising protest from a mob approaching irrational action.

(L. corvis: raven)
adj., From an alternate plane of existense or spirituality. As a pejorative: flaky.

(comb. cosmic + osmotic: seepage from the universe)
n., A ripple of audience noise which punctuates and underlines a gross public misstatement or gaff.

(comb.: cough + laughter)
n., A micromanager in denial. One that while professing faith in underlings, snares them in a safety net.

(L. semper com unem: always with one)
n., A single shared passion which bonds two or more otherwise incompatible people. "The covality which held the Bell-Spewicks' marriage together was their dedication to the Green Party."

(medicine, covalent twin: conjoined twins sharing an arm or hand)
n., an occurance of bad luck, which as part of a trend, exceeds statistical expectations.

(comb. crappy + happenstance)
n., The bureaucratic equivalent of a court jester, derived from a mythic lowercase hero, anonymous and faceless, about whom many jokes and tales developed within the soviet system, a direct descendant of the czarist era Lieutenant Kieje. See also alievski

(Soviet Russian argot, a fictitious surname roughly meaning "nameless")
adj., Leading to unintended consequences which should have been obvious ahead of time.

(Fr. croquet: the strike of the mallet on ball)
Crumbach's method;
n., a method employed by some writers to conserve all ideas, irrespective of merit. The keeping of text fragments edited from documents for potential use in other documents. Akin to the way bakeries save stale product which is ground, toasted and used to coat some donuts.

(Barnatsch Crumbach, 1961- , author, lecturer, professor)
n., A direct and expedient political action, without pretense of tact; usually concerned with self-preservation at any cost.

(Arabic. Q'ada: the assassin's blow)
v., to become a functional by drinking coffee.

(comb.: cup + pupate)
n., A cleverly worded and often susquasyllabic disclaimer which seems to guarantee or embellishes the claimed value of an item or idea.

(L. curanto: a curse)
n., The excessive managerial worrying, nagging, or obsession with a task which inspires resistance in the ranks to its completion.

(It. cutio: to shake violently)
n., A stubborn, vindictive sort who would "cut off his nose to spite his face".

(comb. Cut + nose)
Cyclomethod, Cyclomethodics;
n., A training scheme based on the maxim that any behavior may be extinguished by repeated failure. Cycomethodics dictates that the negative reinforcement must be neutral and beyond the apparent control of any person, and therefore best administered via software interface. Published as Cyclomethodics: the Principles of Applied Rundancy by Dr. Snow just before his last dissappearnce.

n., A person that speaks the truth or elicits it from the timid or reluctant, regardless of the consequences.

(Gr. via Russian. xylon: wooden mallet used for striking clapperless bells during religious services)

n., An existance delineated by workdays. The life of a drone.

(orig. uncert.)
n. A person proficient in the use of defective or obsolete technology or software.

(Fr. decature: ploughman)
An on-the-spot fabrication meant to deflect the focus of a moderator to the next member of a group. "Chris offered up his best deffo, but the scorching interrogation continued. The team lead would not be denied his sadistic moment."

(orig uncert.)
adj., Patently and unabashedly false or treacherous.

(L. without lips)
v., Spucery for the sake of spucery; delegation of useless or demeaning tasks in order to maintain appearance of superiority.

(comb. delegate + denigrate)
adj., Strange and unexpected; unpredictable; capricious.

(Fr. de la mer: from out of the sea)
v. To cry at someone or something, especially one who did not expect to be cried at.

(Láadan. delishe: cried or wept)
n., Mental anguished suffered after attempting to complete a mundane task complicated by interaction with administrative support personnel.

(It. morta della assimenta: death from overwork)
adj., Lost in the details; hung up on details.

(Scot. demdedo: a tool used to incise the most intricate scrollwork)
v., Too placate a workforce by use of insubstantial rewards, such as employee-of-the-month parking spaces, casual dress days, and parking lot barbecues after hours.

(pharm. demerol: a widely used anti-anxiety drug)
v., To add elements or language to a project which lend the appearance of long standing, and thereby credibility.

(Chem.: to add a contaminant known to enhance the desired reaction)
n., an increasingly risky strategy or activity.
(L. de rulata ab rulata: from one narrow ledge to another)
The natural and inevitible entropy or decay of bureaucracy; malignant fuzziness of purpose.
(L. deterio genesis: the end starts from the beginning)
n., the image formed in the air in front of a speaker by his or her hand gestures.

(comb.: description + depiction)
v., To expel gradually; to passively ignore or shun an individual in order to drive them away.

(L: undo + simila: sameness)
n., Procedure or instruction informally communicated to new manager/supervisor, typed up and distributed by same without attribution.

(contraction: dictatorial)
n., A no-win situation; bureaucratic or political quicksand.

(Aboriginal Austral. a drowning person)
adj., Attentive to distractions; easily misled or thrown off.
(Dyslexic corruption: diligent + vigilant)
n., A poorly defined or undefined concept. Also digmal.

(Gr. digmo: eel)
v., To interrupt a conversation with a string of unwarranted apologies.

(Eng. comb: digress+regret)
n., A paranoid state wherein the sufferer suspects that they are the only one that does not know a vital secret .

(Indones. dinano: a dust devil)
n., a devious and often counterproductive partial restoration of a revute through administrative rulemaking.

(Partial retetion: aDmINistrative RULe)
adj. Vetted to blandness; so inoffensive as to insult intelligence. "The last draft was dipid before it got to the final review committee, but was sent back for a full rewrite nonetheless."

(Croat. dipido id: without personality)
adj., Potentially hazardous to credibility; with potential to embarrass. Also diptic, diptinous.

(Gr. dipso, diptino-: drunken; swaying)
n., The self-amusing ramblings of [most often] engineers and archeologists, full of jargon and arcane esoterica of no interest or value to anyone other than the speaker; a form of bourbosity.

(comb.: diptine + dictation)
v., To undo bobwork. See also comboberate

(Eng. dis+Swahalo-French pidgin. com bobo: the work of monkeys)
n., Acceptance or resignation to one's lot in life or career stagnancy; a benign mental numbness. Also disdosition.

(R. Cathol.: St. Disdo, an accidentally martyred fourth-century half-wit, the patron saint of the ignorant)
n., One for whom the compassion for individuals has obliterated the sense of compassion for the community.

(L. disentra spectabilis, a garden favorite)
n., Sanctioned profligacy; "Headley's six month training abroad was unabashed disgression, but then being married to the chairman's daughter has its rewards."

(L. dis gresso camino: to go off the path)
n., An error which corrupts associated data such that the original data set cannot be reconstructed by regressive steps; any plausible yet erroneous concept which goes undetected or unchallenged.

(chess: an error,or combination of errors in the record of a game or illegal moves which go unnoticed during play, but voiding the outcome.)
n., One zealously and resolutely opposed to an idea or argument such that compromise, sanction or reason will dissuade them.

(Gr. dis + oto: he that will not hear it)
v., To destroy by imposition of a definition or reputation. "Senator Nass was able to distinguinate the challenger with the single epithet, "the defender of the indefensible."

(comb.: dostinguish + assassinate)
adj., The usual or expected state of an audience during a post-lunch presentation.

(L. dormare: to sleep)
n., A cyber-opportunist. v., To hide flaws behind flashy computer or internet jargon.

(comb. download + coyote)
n., Guidance provided in a manor in accordance with the systems of jerrynomics and/or lasbinomics. Seemingly basic policies are expanded to detract from any final decisions being made. Any useless or misleading instruction set which nonetheless fully conforms to the style and grammatical guidelines constraining the author and editors.

(L. drexo, drexare: to misthrow [a spear])
v., To viciously turn upon one's colleagues in a transformation of personality fueled by ruthless ambition. To make allied subordinates into rivals of one another by restriction of resources or promotional opportunities.

(Gr. harma dreponyphor: a scythe bearing chariot wheel)
n., A tool for boring a progressively widening hole. A belief repeated as fact. v., to bore a hole of increasing diameter.

(Finn. ijd rign: a tapered chisel used in boat building)
n., One that convincingly professes the company line, while inwardly despising it.

(orig. uncert., possible reference to creme filled wafer style cookie)
v., To alter or larify a process with minutiae. adj., That which creates a blage.

(Orig. uncert.)
n., Accidental or unwitting plagiarism. Writing or speech claimed or believed to be original, but actually lifted from subconscious memory. "The editor flagged the manuscript as outright fraud until he interviewed the author, and found it to be a dupelcation."

(comb. duplicity + duplication)
adj., Wonderfully evil or diabolical.

(comb. duplicity + delicious)
duretic, duretics;
n., Any lengthy monolog or diatribe engaged in by official spokespersons with fragile egos in order to prove that they posess more knowledge than their audience.

(OF. du retior chien: from a barking dog)
n., The theory, philosophy, and practice of continuous omniflagacy without product, marked by colial planning sessions; a permenant state of prevolution.

(Gr. dymos: a spinning top)
adj., Suffering from dysaudia, a hearing form of dyslexia. Describing someone that "never gets it."

(Gr. dys + audio: hearing wrongly)
n., Chronic malapropism due to stupidity.

(Gr. dys phono: wrong sound)
n., a condition of continuous transition between two mutually exclusive states. Also dysteses, dystetic, dystetory

(Gr. dys: against + stetos: stillness)

v., To reduce the pressure of the whole by collapsing one compartment or interior section without a net release of content. In bureaucracies, the committee process by which tasks or personnel are eliminated from work plans with no change in productivity.

(OE yfess, OD ehpiss.)
n., The nexxus or shared space between two disparate datasets from incompatible platforms.

(geom. the theoretical point between two adjacent points)
v. to use flashy multimedia technology for the sake of using flashy multimedia technology. Not to be confused with affectuate.

(comb. effect + actuate)
n., habitual quitting or giving up. Astrategy of cultivated helplessness.

(Amer. slang: "F--- it!" + ism)
n., Junkfood for thought.

(orig. uncert.)
adj., Dillusionally conceited to the point where the ego has become separated from the individual. Often accompanied by feelings of persecution or lack of appreciation.

(Gr. ego morphos: taking the shape of oneself)
adj., The antiphone of Aeolian, drawing dischord from the winds. Capable of souring any conversation.

(origin undocumented)
n., Any gaff, malapropism, or outrageous statement which becomes the only part of a meeting or conference remembered beyond a few days. v., to utter an ejact. also ejactor, ejaction.

(comb. ejaculation + extract)
v., (grammar) To change meaning through change of word order. (bureaucracy) To change status by changing positions with another. "Chris and Pat were ejucted in the re-org, and both were miserable and far less effective."

(L. ex + jucta: outside connection)
adj. pertaining to the very real physiologic effects from secret exposure to low-level, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation by unnamed government agencies. v., to foster a belief in a person that they have suffered , or will suffer mental contusions due to the willful exposure to low-level, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, especially where a govenrnment cover-up is likely.

(comb. electrocute + electromagnetic)
n., One country under discussion, whose name is arbitrary or not important. Also Elmonian. see fusterus, Pelonia.

(Heb. ploni elmoni: such and such)
v., To embroider a truth so much as to make it a wholly new lie.

(comb.: embroider + abolish)
adj., Unwashed, raw, animal, or of questionable sanitary state. "She observed, with repulsion, the surgeon's emergant fingers, coated with powder. Discarding his gloves casually to the floor, he approached her, his eyes filled with..."

(Fr. emerge a gant: to unglove)
n., The condition of resentment among peers and subordinates caused by someone that should have retired but hangs on and on and on.

(L. e meritus pro detritis: from greatness to decay)
n., A company official or board member retained long past usefulness.

(comb. emeritus + hemorrhoid)
adj., Begging for pity while deserving less.

(Eng. [addiditive corruption]: empathic.)
n., One who distrusts or rejects mainstream science or the scientific method in favor of unproven, exotic, or "New Age" alternatives.

(Gr. empiri clast: to break the truth)
see implical
v., to disdain publicly by active indifference. Also empular, Brit.: ampular

(L. im: toward +pulere: to discard or abandon.)
v., To strategically share a taxi in order to influence the other passenger; to buttonhole someone temporarily captive in any enclosure, such as vehicles, elevators, aircraft, hunting lodges and queues.

(comb. encapsulate + cab)
v., To tie together a poorly organized presentation by use of catchy titles, headers or captions.

(L., in plus capito: with an extra head)
n., An interjected summary statement made in effort to move discussion from one agenda item to the next.

(molecular genetics. endon: a subsequence of nucleotides which signals a boundary between active genes and "nonsense DNA")
adj., Not quite right; an inaccurate or ineffective approximation. v., to create such an approximation.

(geometry: a circle is approximated by an n-gon)
v., To subtly make clear one's intractable position and position of power while appearing to seek common ground.

(Ibo., Daakengo zizabas: swim at the crocodile's will)
v., To weaken perceived power; to demoralize.

(L., ex nerro: to drain away from)
n., A comment made as a naked ploy to distract attention from or direct attention to a situation.

(Fr. en passant: in passing)
n., Foolish ideation which remains unchallenged due to the hopelessness of disuasion.

(comb. entrepeneur + manure)
adj., Overbearing; aggressively boorish; finding an argument in anything and everything.

(Fr. "vous epee, te!": "Your sword, you!")
episodomize, episodomy;
v., Purposeful corruption, for better or worse, of text, language, titles or names, just for the fun of it. "Until the first year seminarian's ejact, Father Rector was oblivious to his well-known episodomized title, Father Rectal."

(Gr. epi sodom: to bring corruption upon)
adj., endlessly appended; rambling.

(L., epi toto extra: one more thing)
n. a marginally justifiable distraction; any task prolonged in order to avoid a more important one.

(Fr. eriende: a side path)
eruse, erusion;
v. to experience an involuntary and narrowly defined tic; erusion: a behavioral disorder found in those who respond to questions by turning their heads towards the nearest computer screen and engaging nervous, twitchy keyboard action. First discovered by researchers into Human-Computer interaction, who postulate that it is caused by numerous momentary disconnects between the optic nerve and the brain. Found only in underlings, i.e., help desk personnel, and never in supervisors, who often declare, "We are not erused."

combinatve: L. eradere: to scrape, [see also: rasor], and ME ruse: to repulse in battle, or to make a detour as a hunted animal.
adj. Having the potential for immortality, as in a project or problem that will never completely end; extremely larifiable.

(L. erit: it will be. )
v., To continue in a line of explanation which only worsens one's predicament.

(orig. uncert.)
v., To expound with decreasing accuracy and increasing tone of authority on any subject with which one is barely acquainted.

(L. escula: a slope)
adj., Speaking in a hyperactive way, bordering on nonsensical.

(Ital. espresso: a concentrated coffee drink)
n., The dull speaker usually placed on the agenda in order to numb the audience in advance of a potentially troublesome presentation. "Dr. Freundlich thought he'd look better if he gave his talk right after Wigbright's colorless report. Instead, his audience had been rendered dormal by his choice of predecessor, a notorious ethier."

(Fr. ethier: anaesthesiologist)
n., A document that changes in content overnight with no explanation. This phenomenon usually occurs where no one claims final responsibility for the body of work, and is the result of one or more independent clandestine revisions by members of the group that produced it.

(It. etidore allia ablia: to rinse a stain on borrowed clothing.)
n., An absurd truth. adj., True while seemingly contradictory. Also eudiocy, eudiot.

(Gr. Eu: true, truly + idios: moronic)
adj., Intentionally sesquipedalian in order to obfuscate content.

(Gr. Eu: true, pure + nimbos: clouds)
n., a delusional state where the sufferer willingly suspends the knowledge that he or she has lost touch with reality. Also euphasic.

(Gr. eu phasia: chosen condition)
eustanous, eustaneity;
adj. obsolete, esp. technology or its use. "Crockett remained on call for years, owing to the board's unwillingness to replace the mainframe. Hus eustanous code would not allow migration to another system."

(Gr. Eu stannos: pure tin)
Evans Orb;
n., Theoretical perfection attained by fortitous addition of an unforeseen component. "Every member of the project team was secretly counting on some sort of Evans Orb event, knowing that their continued employment was at stake."

(Archit. Evans Orb Theory: Existing structures, features, and spaces around a site always predifine design limits)
v., to substitute, in one's mind, an unknowable future situation with a drastic erroneous scenario.

(psychology: event preactualization)
v., To yield out of frustration to an unyielding yet inferior argument. To capitulate.

(corr. exhalation)
v., To harden one's position in the face of an unyielding yet inferior argument.

(L. Ex calcalare: to harden like stone)
adj., Without forethought or planning.

(L. ex capitis capita: off the top of the head)
v., The form of knowledge application by a consultant. "His previous experience in lens grinding was used judiciously to exsert a new strategic plan for the department."

(orig. uncert.)
adj. Uninvited and unnecessary assistance, generally well intended and useless.

(L. ex cessoram: beyond the stopping place)
ex cetera;
adj. in a fashion typical of a former spouse, especially where reinforcing the propriety of the divorce. abbr: ect.

(L. outside that which would logically follow)
adj., Curmudgeonly. n., A devil's advocate.

(Gr. ex dystos: from the opposing view)
adj., Bereft of positive value; reduced to the most negative form. Also Aholibate.

(L. ex holibare: after digestion)
n., The damage left by the sudden departure of a key employee; a gaping hole in the organizational chart. "The expact of Irene's was evident throughout Engineering -- all of the old rivalries came back with a vengence.'

(L. ex pacto: to punch outward)
adj. passe; out-of-fashion. Where public acceptance of a topic fades into bored tolerance. Also ecspecial, exspecial, exspecially.

(L. formerly + special)
n., The unforeseen debt incurred on company business, which must later be justified and documented to an onerous degree.

(comb. expense + extension)
v., To remove or expell abrubtly, often with real or impied violence.

(L. ex tabula: crossed off the list)
adj., Not existing in a context consistent with reality; neither right nor left.

(orig. uncert.)
v. To infer detail from beyond reasonable limits of inference.

(comb. extract + inflate)
adj., untouched by proximate scandal, problem or error; unwittingly or luckily beyond danger. n., a lone survivor or one of few survivors of a disaster, spared by dumb luck alone.

(L. extra: beyond + Gr. bdein: to break wind)
n., The use of another project's budget or resources toaugment your own, often accomplished through intramural billing

(Eng. comb: extra + exploit)
v., To convert data into a form credible to the public it is meant to mislead.

(L. extra + pulare: to twist further )
adj., burned out. Also quithent.

(Turk. qitta: cold ashes)
n., An on-the-fly interpretation of legal code, passed off as exact text from legal document or regulation in question. Also exstrict, exstrictly.

(L. ex + stricta: without limitation)

n. A seeker of simplistic but ineffective strategies. adj., Simple and misguided.
(L. faeolius: bean)
fanuc, fanuck;
n., An unpleasant subject whose time has come, often an item that has had an agenda of non-issues formulated around it .

(Turk. fanuk: a washed-out bridge)
n., The fatal flaw in an otherwise brilliant plan.

(orig. uncert.)
n., An item which draws significance only from it's repellent nature, such as an insulting epithet bearing no correlation with the actual character of the impugned party. Also feculate, feculant.

(L. fecula: a speck of dried excrement)
v., To dress up an old, tried-and-true technology in order to sell it. "Once the book, Just Sound It Out was fedorated and republished with its flashy New-Age name, Limbic Spelling and Cortex Reading: A Literacy Revolution, the publisher could not keep up with demand."

(Eng. fedora: a utilitarian felt hat of cyclical popularity since the early twentieth century.)
n., The fourth order of magnitude in micromanagement. Those being micro-, nano-, pico-, femto-, atto-, zepto-, yocto-, and marcro-.

(Gr. femto: fifteen)
n., A messenger bringing old or unimportant news; an announcement which is delivered after the event it announces. Also ferionic, ferionism.

(Span. ferione: a scrap metal dealer)
n., A calculated delay meant to torment one's opponent with uncertainty.

(comb. ferment + torsion )
v., to sell the unsalable idea, to be the true believer of the unbelievable.

(orig. obscure)
n., Any core belief which underlies and validates the world view of an individual or group; a philosophical lynchpin.

(L. fide: faith)
A middle management strata which serves only as proxy for upper management in the micromanagement of front-line workers.

(archaic Christian theology: Fiditur Angelicae; A tier or class of angelic beings which act as observers and mentors to Guardian Angels, and act as mediators between Guardian Angels and the Judge of Angels.
adj. Obnoxiously self-righteous. Also fimancy.

(Fr. fimant: snob)
n., An illusion of veracity or expertise, tendered by incompetents and frauds, often by means of hellatinism, graming, inaptacy, and yaddage.

(Biology: fixity: the seeming animation of a corpes by the movementss of maggots under the skin)
n., a condition of lack of meaningful facial expression, without physiological basis, which reflects a state of emotional ambiguity.

(L. flacidus: limp; lifeless)
n., discarded material from flower shops; any perfumed refuse. Any worthless offer superficially enhanced with equally worthless inducements.

(Engl. flower + garbage)
n., A monks chasuble containing forcefully obtained loot or alms. The container of "Gods' tax". adv., capriciously abusive, such as the servicing obtained from lower classmen during hazing initiation.

(orig. uncert.)
v., To bend to the will of anyone percieved to be of higher rank. n., a toady or lickspittle.

(biol. the tucking of tail between the rear legs as part of submission behavior observed among jackals and othe canids)
see phlystre
v., To make a bad situation worse by reactive incompetence.

(comb. fluster + frustrate)
n., A silent but very public suffering of real or imagined injuries to pride, esteem or reputation; maudlin stoicism.

(Gr. folostos: a loud silence)
n., the word used to designate any object for which the speaker does not know or cannot remember the name. See also fusterus.

(Frabney's U-Need-It Stores, famous for their slogan, "If Frabney's don't got it, you didn't need it!")
n., Departmental xygency characterised by trickery, nimbulation, and hysterication.

(Rom. Frica: Fear)
adj., Well suited only to a single narrow task or usage.

(enology: a set of parallel screens of dissimilar mesh, mounted on a long pole, used to remove submerged materials of a specific size range from primary fermentation vats)
n., Undeserving survivors of any reorganizion or corporate purge.

(Janitorial jargon for the line of dirt or dust left at the edge of a dustpan.)
v., To predictably escalate a tantrum or outburst to socially innappropriate levels, in reaction to specific triggers. "Everyone knew the CEO would be fulhasking by the time the minutes of the last meeting were read."

(Gaelic. f'ulhagh: squall or hailstorm)
n., A statement which, although grammatically correct, does not seem so. Logic: the most technically correct form.

(L. funatum: off balance)
adj., Pencil-necked; geeky or nerdy. Having the will and disdosition of a njidvaark.

(L. fundula: a little neck)
n., the word used to designate a second object for which the speaker does not know or cannot remember the name, now used only in cominbation with "frabney" qv, as in "There was a frabney mounted at the inner corner of the stair with a fusterus poking up through it."

(corruption of Foster S, ref. to Foster S. Frabney, founder of Frabney's U-Need-It Stores)
n., An unmistakably dismissive gesture made with the eyes.

(Tibetan. fwah: the only negative utterance allowed by Buddhist monks)
n., A doomsayer with a good track record of accuracy.

(comb. fatal + mystic)

v., to stall or kill a project by means of an impossible requirement beyond one's control.

(acronym: Get A Ruling From Legal Experts)
n., A hardened slime or gurry of unknown organic origin. Boilerplate verbiage used in official documentation where a series of related subjects are treated separately; necessary but cumbersome supporting material in official documentation.

(It. gecchio: to gag or choke)
adj., doomed or predestined to failure. v., to embark upon or accept responsibility for a spuctant. Also gerbation, gerbative.

( Engl. gerbil, orig. Xhosa: xerbi: digs blindly)
v. to choke from excessive emotion while speaking.

(orig. uncert.)
n., A block of orphaned or corrupted data which wastes space on a computer drive, often the result of useless downloads from the internet. Unwanted hard drive clutter such as cookies, unsolicited applets, history files.

(comb. GIGO: garbage in garbage out + byte)
n., A project halted and neither restarted or eliminated. v., To suspend or terminate a process due to loss of purpose or focus.

(OE gaether: to become lost)
n., The silence that follows a combolete statement, often caused by a ghualing incident. Any telling silence or pause.

(Lap: a gag made from a bolus of moss; reindeer cud)
n., The unedited physical output of a focus group or brainstorming session. Any disorderly heap of outsized or odd-sized sheets of paper.

(Gr. gnathatos: cud)
n., Managerial awakening to the realization that diffusing responsibility has immobilized a large project. The effect of a group operating under the force of inflexible behavioral rules, as in termite colonies.

(Afrikaans. gnogge: termite swarm)
n., Top of line equipment or technology acquired through special funding of a project, ostensibly justified, which is retained long after the project or funding has expired. As in,"Cool, huh? It's my gradue from the Wright-Ritter study. It gets lousy mileage, though!"

(Fr. gras doux: sweet fat; refers to oil glands adjacent to the tails of waterfowl)
n., An aural treadmill. That portion of a lecture which only serves to thicken the tympanic membranes of the hearer; anything said after the listener has tuned out or passed out.

(Fr. Grame etenite: the eternal speech)
n., a sharp, loud exhalation or snort meant to demand attention from an individual who is ignoring, or inattentive to, the snorter; hence, an unwanted but irresistable interruption of productive work.

(ME grampus: killer whale, poss. corrupt. L. craasus: fat + piscis: fish)
adj., Advantageous to one's opponent.

(Scot. greht: a sword dropped during battle which is then used against its owner.)
n., The bitter emotional residue resultant from victimization and treachery. Donald knew he'd been thrown under the information bus. The gresot he felt was as real as the popcorn hull that had been festering below his gumline for days.

(Fr. gresot; indigestible)
n., Mental and emotional unflappability; that fraction of one's shit which is "together."

(Eng. comb: grip, grit, traction)
n., The first budget forecast for a fiscal cycle, often portending layoffs, cutbacks and organizational misery.

(Eng. corrupt. contraction: gut shot)

n., A serial dwelling place not associated with a single culture; a natural shelter used by transients or sojourners; modern usage: an office cubicle to which interns or new hires are initially assigned.

(corr. L. habere: to live)
n. an inopportune idea or suggestion that glances off the perception of the intended audience, leaving no mark; fatally ahead of its time.

(naval radar term: unidentified but insignificant object)
v., To clear one's throat or otherwise audibly signal without words one's disapproval. Also halker, halkery.

(Samoan. haalaka: to big to swallow)
adj. Half brained.

(med. Gr. haplo +cephalo: half brained)
n., The shortening, abbreviation or intentional slurring or distortion of a word, phrase or name in order to impart disdain, disrespect or dishonor.

(Gr. haplo: to halve)
v., To deny ownership of one's work after the experiment failed or the data was found to be useless.

(OE. hattel: a neighbors livestock)

v. to issue empty threats, especially those involving legal or administrative actions.

(Welsh. [mispronounced] heddlu: police)
n., a person who coins or habitually uses words of inappropriately mixed derivation, often Greek and Latin, and usually in an attempt to impress the listener or reader. Hellatines are often afflicted with susquasyllabism. Also hellatinism, hellatinize.

(Gr. hellen: a Greek + L. latinus : a Latin)
n., Something you cannot abide in a place that you must be in.

(Gael. h'endagh cael: refering to the place of a clans' last place of defense.)

v., To attempt to manipulate an unwieldy or extremely heavy object. Also herc, herk, hurk, hurkk, herkh, hercking, herkingly.

(corrupt. of Gr. Hercules)
v., to delay a meeting by claiming that every speaker misunderstands your point. "The ineffectual chariman was unable to prevent the meeting from being hodged, and John had once again averted a vote.

(OE. hod; a load of wet mortar, transported on a board between the mixer and the mason. At a construction site, the hod-carrier has right of way owing to the weight and timeliness of his delivery.)
n., A simple computer error easily corrected.

(Serb. Hrnerc: stumble)
n., A simple computer error once easily corrected, irretrievably compounded by panicked action.

(corrupt. Serb. Hrnerc: stumble)

n., verbal instrucemon.
n., A litany of health problems recited in response to a simple, well-meant greeting; often a casp prodrome.

(psychol., self identity derived from poor health)
n., a devotee of excessive, occasionally obsessive hyphen usage. The practice is a form of verbal pack-ratting or hoarding. Also hyphenism.

(Roman Cath. St. Hyphenia: patron saint of chain makers)
n., A pejorative nickname, epithet, or distinguation which cannot be erased from popular memory.

(Gr. hyponym; low name)
v., To whip up fear or hysteria for one's own purposes --usually to draw attention to oneself. Media: to grossly overinflate a small story on a slow news day.

(comb.: hysteria + fabricate)

n., The study of bureaucratic system dynamics.

(Gr. ichnecos: school of fish)
v., To mistakenly deem an object or individual part of a group featuring some common character or form.

(L. ex locus ictus: out of proper place)
n. A unique ability or act which, although impressive, has no possibility of practical application, As in: "Grandad Upton's famous iffle, touching the tip of his nose with his tongue, both revolted and fascinated his assembled grandchildren."
(corrupt. reduct.: trifle)
adj., Supporting the opinions without supporting the facts;
(comb. illogic + relevant)
v., The process by which bright, competent individuals are rendered more and more incompetent within the workplace. The Imburefication Theorem states that three factors are involved. 1. the starting IQ of the individuals. 2. the size of the bureaucracy, and 3. the cumulative length of service of the individuals. A fourth factor has been proposed by some bureaucratologists, and that is the reach of the bureaucracy. i.e. how many people does the agency have the power to impact. Thus a federal agency would have a greater reach than a state agency, and so forth. However, the fourth factor remains an unproven, though promising, factor. The Imburefication Theorem can be written as a formula. IQb= [*(IQ1)/n] - [*(YS1) * n], where IQb is the Bureau's IQ and IQ1 is an individual's pre-imburefication IQ and n is the number of bureaucrats in the agency or department and YS1 is years of service of each individual. The fourth factor, as proposed, would be calculated by dividing n by the population "served", then dividing above formula by the result. As previously stated, this is controversial.
comb.: imbecile + bureaucracy)
adj., Degraded. v., To degrade or cheapen; to make light of in a vulgar way.
(It. bimbina: a young and inexperienced prostitute)
v., To artificially inflate value or importance; to pad a budget, especially by use of ambiguous arithmetic factors. Also imbular, imbulate.
(L. bulere: to forcefeed)
n., A helpless knowing what is about to happen or be said..
(L. immito: the next)
adj., dislodged only with difficulty or force; intransigent. Also
(archaic) implictal or
(Brit.) emplical.
(L. plictere: to floss teeth)
v., To assign to a bottomless project or nire; stellenbosch; to render anorchile by assignment.
(L. implicare: to involve)
v., to inflate or enlarge artificially.
(L. im: into + pneumare: to blow air)
n., a eudiotic nonsequitur; a true statement or utterance which is completely unrelated in context, form or content to the discussion within which it is made. Also inapticular, inapticularity.
(L. in apta: not suited)
adj., Unable to stand firm or hold a position; spineless.
(L. In calcalare: crumbling)
v., To stash or cache items of dubious or esoteric value.
(L. in ciborium: in the pantry)
adj., Pseudoscientific quackery; intentionally presented in scientific format without science, in order to mislead.
(L. in conscio: without knowledge)
adj., Having no other function than to distract.
(Gr. Indata: shiny)
n. An illogical statement intended to serve as a bridge between to logical statements; the leap of faith which falls short.
(L. intro ducto; lead up to)
adj., Noble or charismatic, so as to unspire fierce loyalty.
(in+effit+ible: not subject to effitism)


see invidial
adj., dubious; warranting closer inspection. Meant to deceive by ambiguity or obscurity.
(L. Proverb: Infraspecule hippo ante emptorendat! Look under the horse before you buy it!)
adj., Pinned down; trapped. v. To entrap or catch red-handed.
(L. in tinam furcam: on the tines of a fork)
v., To gloat or to publish the failings or foibles of another.
(L. in nares: into the nostrils)
Broadly related but not pertinent to a context. Also obticular.
(L. in: not + ob: of + ticula: detail)

v. to mock or tear down by inconsciable argument. "The snake oil industry may be counted on to insipe regulatory science, using the argument that their own technology is superior.
(L. insipio: getting worse)
adj. probing, scrutinizing, penetrating with evil intent. "Among special prosecutors, Judge Gatmon was one of the most inspicious; feared on both sides of the aisle."
(L. in spicia fraxis: to rip into pieces)
institutional amnesia;
n., The polar opposite of institutional memory; how institutions continually repeat the same mistakes
(source: Weinstein's Theory of Corporate Pathology)
adj., that facet of an argument which defines or identifies an opinion as extreme.
(combination: instruct + restrict)
n., An item mentioned only in passing which is worthy of expansion or deeper study; diamond in the rough. v., to include such an item within text while omitting elaboration.
(computer programming jargon: inner segment of a string variable
n., Written direction which is self contradictory, helplessly garbled, or grossly mistranslated.
(Jap. Instrucemon: a demon of confusion)
n., An obvious goal, mission, or mandate needlessly and redundantly stated as part of a slogan.
(periaddititive form: intent)
adj., Blunt, tactless, and deadly accurate.
(L. inter antelarum: between the horns)
n., The construct of sham in-house transactions used to justify project design flaws.
(comb.: inter + operation + rationale)
interrate, reinterrate;
v., To smother a project or idea with words, particularly words from a fool. "Once old Kelnwick got started rambling about the potentialities of the Booksure grant proposal, everyone present mentally wrote it off."
(Eng. inter: to bury the dead)
intoduce, intoduction;
v., To introduce a third party to an unpleasant conversation or situation as a means to extricate oneself. "Chris intoduced Tony to the Safety Committee at their weekly meeting and thought to himself, 'Free at last!'"
(L. into ducto forcare: to drag in by force)
adj., In the enviable position of excessive, duplicate and redundant funding; within a predictably generous series of funding cycles.
(L. intra situ copia: in the lap of plenty)
adj., An annoying concession, given in haste, which does not impede the intent or outcome of negotiations, but rankles nonetheless.
(L. intra dentum: between the teeth)
adj., Possessing great sousciance in the face of overwhelming apathy. The mental status achieved before a last misguided self-trepanation attempt.
(L. intra pula: between vacancies)
v., To create a previously nonexistent verb from a noun.
(L. in verbum dictum simplex: by simply saying so.)
adj., Blinding or blocking of sight or understanding; so charged with emotion as to render rational discussion moot. Also Brit: infidial.
(Gr. invidion: a piece of dirt in the eye)
n., An involuntary change in the appearance of the eyes as part of the Meago prodrome; a temporary loss of lustre to the iris of the eye.
(med. iridation: a glazing of the eyes)
v., To futile attempt to hasten a process by harassment or constant demand, as in repeated use of an elevator call button; to distract or create a diversion. Also irruttate. adj., thusly harassed, but not hastened.
(Tamil: iruttu-tal: to detain)

n., Misused jargon or text confused by inappropriate jargon content. v., To confuse a communication with incorrect use or overuse of jargon and /or technical terms.
(comb. jargon + garble)
v., to harrass others out of a pathologic need for control. n., the real abuse of imagined power. Also: jenk-off, jenking one's chain.
(Russ. jhenck: a barbed gaff or prod)
adj., Having the qualities of a Jeppert; doomed without obvious flaw.
(orig. The exhaustively studied extended Jeppert family of Boxley County, Indiana, has the highest known per capita incidents of unexplained fatal accidents of any kind)
v., To perform tasks in an ineffective or inefficient way simply from habit or institutional tradition.
(orig. uncert.)

n., A system where the guidelines for policy setting waver based on approval needed from those in positions higher on the organizational chart. Adherents to the jerrynomic system often end up assigned to special projects of a vague and undefined nature. In small departments, these individuals function to maintain a quiet, yet meloncholy workplace -- akin to labor management ideologies of the middle and dark ages. A variant form of jerrynomics is lasbinomics.
adj., Newly corrupted. Freshly, recently without ethics. Youthful excited eagerness in compromising one's professional virtue.
(corrupt. Fr. jus c'est puelle)
n., An eager intern whose enthusiasm effectively masks their strengths and weaknesses alike.
(Rom. Cath. slang: a Jesuit seminarian )
n., A prioritory guideline used pertaining to a sequence or order where numerous opinions are discussed at length and no conclusions are drawn, but none of which matters.
(Fr. j'oui: if yes )
n., A specific guideline used to enforce a rigid sequence or order.
(Fr. j'zue: because it is )
n., An inexpensive alternate reward given when the least likely and least deserving person accidentaly saves the day. "Had anyone else thought of it, they'd have been promoted, but Higgens just got a bigger cubicle!"
(architecture: a spurious ornament, created to disguse an unforeseen design gaff)

kabra, kabran;
Anything elevated in status by exotic origin. "The office reeked of toadflax oil, the kabra of the week, reputed to enhance creativity."
(Farsi. kabra: magic)

Kakton, The;
n., The fiditive codice of Miasmism.
(Kakton, the first Book of the Bonab)
n., The hoped for result of a stand-off; the agreement to disagree.
(corrupt. Span. Que quentar: why worry )
n., A speaker, overwrought to the point of incomprehensibility. v., to involuntarily truncate words or text as a result of overinspiration.
(Turk. kirbeer: foaming at the mouth)
kiwi session;
n., A meeting where brainstorming devolves into group nitpicking.
(Biol. After the feeding behavior of the kiwi)
v. to ruin natural beauty or noble intent by ripping it apart or covering it over; to make a good thing look bad. As in, "The Office of Human Resources would krepios the resume of Mother Theresa, if given half the chance!"
(Gr. krepoios: butcher)
The stagnation of group action owing to the indecision of a key member of the group.
(Ger. krugmire: a seasonal swamp or fen)

n. A clumsy, obvious plot, or group of plotters, easily detected and crushed by superiors. A red herring; a covering or distracting plot for a still deeper subterfuge.
(OF. arriere la bac: behind the back)
n., A protective measure which ultimately limits or conflicts with utility. "When the database was streamlined, the new password system proved to be a lamitor, negating all of the gained efficiencies."
(L. lamito: the stone lid of a sarcophagus)
v. To delay or stall through the use of endless procedural motions, questions or explanations.
(Gr. lare: a wedge)
n., A system where the guidelines for policy setting are variably capricious, and the degree of boldness expressed is inversely correlated with the risk of scrutiny by those in positions higher on the organizational chart. Known derisively among jerrynomy purists as "darenomics."
n., A barely perceptable lilt or inflection which occurs mid-word, conveying contempt or disdain by the speaker for the hearer, the subject, or both.
(Finn. laasp: to spit upon)
n., A person that transfers within an organization more than most, usually to an equivalent position, as a survival strategy in a dog-eat-dog environment.
(zool. Canis latrans: the coyote)
n. The practice of avoiding political risks; the overuse of disclaimers. Also lavist.
(L. lave: to wash the hands)
n., A person who is against computers just as luddites were against mechanization.
(orig. uncert.)
Legacy Walkover;
n., A failed attempt to migrate useless data from one poor excuse for a mainline system to an even worse new one created by now out-of-business IT contractors at four times the expected price resulting in a taxpayer bailout.
(sports. walkover: a victory resultant from having no opponents)
n., An imaginary attribute which is believed to reconcile contradictory components of an entreched policy. The bureaucratic managerial equivalent of the Higgs Boson.
(comb. legitimizing sentiment)
v., To dilute an already weak solution; to draw out or extend beyond usefulness. To stall a process by use of invidial or narlic proctals.
(Logic) To weaken or sabotage one's own position. Also leptifaction.
(Gr. lepto: thin)
adj. Windy, numbingly boring and self absorbed. Pompously verbose.
(Fr. le tout petant: the most flatulent; lit. all-farting)
n., Relief or solace found in shared irony or cynicism.
(Ital. the incongruous happiness of the insane)
n. The intentional or unintentional savaging of language or idiom.
(Gr. lexi: speech + Eng. cide: to kill)
n. Double-talk. The art of saying all things to all listeners while saying nothing of consequence to anyone; flatulent bureaucratese.
(Gr. lingua + nastos: to twist the tongue)
n., Any nebulous but persistent ailment which defies medical verification, which spontaneously resolves when subplanted by another lizease.
(orig. uncert.)
n., A generally and amiable mid-level bureaucrat, harmless until crossed.
(Corr. Cajun. le thibreaux: sand shark)
adj., Characterized by mismic orlution.
(addititive form: logical)
v., To tease or mock those of inferior mental or social status with humor beyond their grasp. "Knowing that his brother-in-law was an illiterate hick, Chuck purposely misspelled the sign he was painting on his despised relative's tavern -- 'No Lotoring!' declared the carefully lettered warning."
(L. lotor: a buffoon)
n., An unwritten requirement for insanity built into qualifications for management positions in governmental agencies.
(comb. ludicrous + upper crust)
adj., Unspeakably inappropriate.
(L. lusus: a freak)
lutle, lutly;

Malat, Auguste (1768-1813);
French philosopher whose theories were based upon observations of ditch diggers. He observed that soil once dug from a hole would never satisfactorily refill that hole, leaving either a mound or a depression.
n., The philosophy that holds that one cannot act before all aspects of an undertaking have been fully studied; that any whole that cannot be proven to be the sum of its known parts requires a separate committee.
(after Auguste Malat, late eighteenth century French philosopher )
adj., Pertaining to bad luck associated with a company, organization, or product. "Even though Evelyn left the company long before the criminal activity began, her subsequent chances for employment were tainted by the mere mention of it on her resume."
(L. malus toxicus: a poisoned apple)
n., The application of Zeno’s paradox to decision making within an organization. "Strong marcromanagement skills assured that any final decision should first be reviewed to determine possible new information, changes in policy, or reinterpretation of the decisions that led to the approaching final decision."
(marcro-: the eighth order of amgintude in the Zeno Scale)
v., To publicly give sarcastic or condescending instructions or information to someone for the benefit or beliitlement of someone else present.
v., To loudly agree in principle with the quiet intention of inaction.

Meago prodrome;
A stage in the hypnotic process where the subject is aware that consciousness is slipping away, but cannot resist.
adj., Flawed to the point of questionable respectability in matters of appearance and character.
(OE. maezey: pockmarked or ruined by disease)
adj. Irritatingly supplicant; never satisfied with just treatment; whining with an obsequious manner.
(MeechLake, the site of an abortive 1990s Canadian provincial premiers meeting..)
n., The method of study and explanation preventing understanding. Also melcidy, melcidious.
(Old Fr. melcoux: a thickened mead)
n., A harmless but annoying person. Also mephitious.
(Geol. a common sulfer bearing mineral which stinks when warmed or wetted)
n., Any middle management structure which has attained responsiblity for the performance of the greater organizatin without commensurate compensation.
(Ger. meta + bund: middle government)
n. A broadened or relaxed form of a policy or regulation; a rule modified so as not to offend any group or person.
(Gr. meta +deigma: middle path; literally middle-of-the-road)
mett, metting;

adj. pertaining to or derived from Miasmism, the pantheistic animist variant which regards ground fog as its supreme entity. Also miasmist.
(Gr. miasma; fog)
n., A moderate volume of documentaion, appropriately thorough and submitted in a timely fashion.
(Gr. miklos: a sturdy raft)
n., An addendum to a document in the form of a small scrap of paper poorly secured to a document.
(comb. memo + pimple)
adj., Redundant to the point of rundancy. n., A series of synonyms intended to foreclose loopholes. A diagram which although complete, accurate, and relevant, does not facilitate interpretation or understanding.
(Sp. misma: same; similar)
n., deliberate mispronunciation intended to gall the hearer or as a form of mumfery. Not to be confused with dysphonesis.
(Gr. mis phono: erroneous sound)
n., A memo routed to a person on vacation, such that by the time it is passed on, it is pointless. Any time-value information which gets lost in internal transit.
(L. mittere: to send)
n., the antithesis of nmemonic; a word or name which defies all attempts at commitment to memory.
(L. amnae: forgotten things)
adj., having lost novelty before having attained it.
(Archit. Tecta Modre: an extreme form of structural streamlining which never caught on, but rather, gave rise to the Art Deco style.)
adj., Streamlined or simplified to a point approaching uselessness. v., To oversimplify an object or process; to inadequately paraphrase.
(zool. Mola mola: an oceanic sunfish species)
n., the inescapable outcome of institutional oolvo.
(L. multi + civitas: many societies)
v. To purposely mispeak or speak poorly, in order to lower an adversary's guard. also mumfery.
(OE mumfer: the muttering of woodsprites )
adj., Pertaining to or resembling a meditative form comprised of the walking of a proscribed route and the use of small metal bells, as practiced by Muraphite monks. Mindlessly walking a beat or route. Pacing while jingling keys or pocket change.
(Byz. Muraphi: a fifth century mystic from what is now Iran)
adj., One pretending disotism for the sole purpose of malevalent obstruction.
(Gr. mys + oto: evil eared)

adj. willfully insulting by exploitation of cultural ignorance. Also nabrousness, nabric.
(Arabic. n'abr: the left-handed greeting)
adj., The false contrapositive of natigent.
(orig. uncert.)
n., Projection or prediction of shortfall. A veiled threat of downsizing. Usually part of a gutch presentation.
(combinative of null + allocation)
n., a person that chronicly forgets punchlines in the telling of jokes, but persists in taking the stage at every opportunity.
(corrupted combinative: null + wit)
n., The hidden agent of stasis. adv., narlous adj., narlic.
(Fr. N'Arles l'eaux, water from that river used to treat emisis.)
n., Angst, frustration, and paranoia generated by obvious disregard for obvious, sensible and efficient solutions to problems.
Nass, Hollis B., (1889-1950)
US Senator
(indep.)Indiana, 1922-1934. Considered the father of Nassism, i.e., the practice of punitive dissemination of information, practiced mainly within large bureaucracies. Also nassic, Nassism, Nassist.
n., the practice of punitive dissemination of information, practiced mainly within large bureaucracies. Also nassic, Nassism, Nassist.
(see Nass, Hollis B.)
v., To run around ineffectually as a response to hysterication.
(Ital. anat al capit: like a duck with it's head cut off)
adj., The false contrapositive of nagitant.
(orig. uncert.)
n., An innocent in the ways of political survival; usually a guileless intern.
(Hebr. navin: an orphaned lamb)
adj. Willing to sacrifice coworkers for keeping one's position in the hierarchy; treacherous in the face of adversity.
(der. The Emporer Nero of burning Rome)
adj., Risky; inciteful; heedless of consequence. "Curt was neuroic, and proceeded in his telling of the disgusting joke, despite the presence of HR's Appropriate Behavior Specialist."
(Gr. neuro: nerve)
v., To go through the motions of a bargaining between equals, while holding all of the power.
(L. Ne votare tenetas: literally, "You haven't got a prayer!")
adj., Obscuring of percerption detail; verbal flocculence. colloq: deceitful. Also neviant, nevious.
(L. neivo: to snow)
n., An occupational limbo; a position determined by the intersection of cinchion and anorchistry.
(Archit.: nire: a small waiting room purposely segregated from the public view)
n., Clouded or obscure by design or overdesign. v., To encrypt by use of nevial use of xygent flarbage.
(L. nimbus: cloud)
(Lavoris oblagatis);
n., A shy, marsupial denizen of Namibian swamps and fens, resembling a wrinkled, hairless housecat with outsized ears and prominent elbows. A public servant who contrives to avoid contact with the public as a matter of course.
(Afrikaans: njid vaark: sickly piglet)
n., Any element in a list with the sole purpose of adding definition to that list. A word or phrase used to disclaim.
(acronym: Not Only But Also)
n., A subtle, prearranged signal between conspirators for use in the presence of their intended victims.
(Auctioneering. nodding cue: the least movement of one's head that will be interpretted as a bid.)
adv., Deflecting or meant to deflect assignments or blame.
(L. me nolo: not I)
Nordmann's Precept;
New ideas have old weaknesses.
(Eric Nordmann, 1928-1991, author of Organizational Horticulture)
n., Glowing enthusiasm inspired solely by the newness of a project, assignment, or program; A transient rejuvenation or restoration of faith in the system.
(It. nubila: a young bride for an old man)
adj., Of mythic or mystical proportion in the eyes of the ignorant.
(L. nucul: a genie)
n., The art of nothingspeak; verbal jogging in place.
(L. nugueo: to beat a rhythm)
n., A form of passive loyalty to an organization arising from apathy and lack of alternatives; the voluntary suppression of personality and creativity as a survival strategy.
(Gr. null idio: nothing of self)

n., An intern or assistant hired or retained for the sole purpose of spuctancy scapegoating or other abusive purposes.
(Swhili. oabi: a captive)
v., To defend oneself by confusing one's adversary.
(Eng. comb: obfuscate+escape )
adj., Arousing unfounded suspicion; seemingly to good to be true.
(L. obi iter rerum hoc: who brings this thing )
n., Someone who ass-crawls his way to a higher position in a company.
(comb: Obsequious + sycophantic)
n., Speech that will not be stopped or quieted. Loudness of speech for the sakeof overcoming real or perceived background noise. Inappropriately loud speech, often associated with public cell phone usage.
(L. orato obtsusa persevera: to speak over)
adj., of narrow but relevant pertinence.
(L. ob: of + ticula: detail)
n., An obstacle which must be accommodated in place, often passed off as an intentional element.
(Afghani. obtun: a boulder which a road or path detours around.)
n., Kabuki like engagement by persons who repeatedly discuss the same topic with the same comments no matter what the setting. A repeated set piece that provides either a numbing or maddening effect to those not engaged in it. "The two senior investigators began their obversation about the meeting minutes with glacial speed and affect."
v., to dominate to the exclusion of unrelated thought; to inspire unmitigated dread.
n., Accidental accuracy, as described in the adage, "Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day."
(comb: occur + accuracy)
n., The litany of complaint describing a run of bad luck.
(Lakota. Odta-a: a mourning chant)
adv., In the direction of absurdity.
(OE odward: weird)
n., A mental condition that is characterized by hodgepodge of random actions which lack seriousness and purpose, unaccompanied by awareness of those actions. This condition is either endearing or annoying to those not affected. Those affected do not give a rip. Also: oliviolite, oliviolism.
(OF. O'livre: childlike)
v., To waste or misuse rapidly and without purpose. adj., The character of a program nearing the end of its funding cycle; rampantly imbulent.
(L. omni: all + fligate: consuming dispersal.)
n., A dilemna based on all answers being wrong or all options unworkable; none of the above.
(L. omni: all + Ger.[Yid.] nichts, nix: nothing)
n., Mental porosity; the extreme philosophical outcome of universal acceptance. "The party faithful failed to recognize their standard bearer's slide into a state of oolvo, dooming the election."
(Norw. oolvo: senile dementia)
adj., Extended and tedius oration., Circular argument used for filibuster, often triggered by opposition larification.
(Finn. Orlaa: a crude circular track or racecourse)
n., a collection of potentially useful items which have a very low probability of ever being used; a misplaced horde or cache.
(Fr. orfange: armory)
n., Any test applied to a purported paradigm shift, which reveals the shift to be of only a cosmetic or reactionary nature.
(Gr. ortho + deigma: to show the true pattern) see also metadigm
n., An element inserted into a project or plan in order to sabotage the project and discredit those involved.
(L. os pullorum: a chicken bone)
n., A remark or statement purposely made just below hearing, such that the intended audience will be tempted to ask that it be repeated. The use of overdramatic pauses or inflections in order to inflate the credibility of a spoken message. Also otaric, otarist, otarismic
(Gr. oto: ear)

A pointless but required series of hurdles to be overcome in order to perform an ordinary assignment. "Jim faced this new pacoot with a sigh, and began filling out the travel approval request. It didn't matter that his job with Human Resources required Jim to travel on a weekly basis, the pacoot would be served."
(Hinduism: Pacoot, the god of obstacles)
n., A bogus expense added to a business travel budget as insurance against expension.
(Eng. contraction: to pad on)
A structure, physical or organizational, which has fallen into ruin or disorder, but still shows evidence of former grand state.
(from Palce Abbey, a ruin near Spentcroft Heath in England, where in the eleventh century the monks massacred the local population and ate the dead before expiring themselves -- presumably suffering from a scapie variant contracted from local sheep.)
adj., Frenetic from fear of public failure or judgement.
(Gr. pan arios: everywhere at once)
n., A hasty solution to a problem which brings unforeseen disastrous consequences; a failed quastic. Also pandrigous.
(Latvian. pandrigo: ambush)
n., The feelings engendered by the payment of taxes or fees to an unworthy government body.
(comb. pay + angst)
adj., Describing legislative paralysis in a bicameral elected body which derives from internal whirling. Parallel to the condition of agorophobic inertia in individuals.
(Gr. parabund: self bound)
n., A haughty and abusive assistant deriving immunity from direct reprisal through connection to a powerful person.
(Gr. para: in place of + L. super cilius: [literally] highbrow)
n., A filigree of interconnected bureaucracies where although boundaries exist, there is no succinct definition.
(Gr. para silla: with tangles)
adj., Pertaining to, or resembling a bedreaded xygency of interconnected and interdependent organizational structures. Also parasil, parasillicism.
(Gr. para silla: with tangles)
v., To purposefully assign only incompetents to a team, in order that they might collectively fail more spectacularly than any individual might, and therefore doom the team leader's career.
(L. para vatam: with a shackle)
adj., Too obvious.
(Gr. para bant: like a duck)
adj., Incomplete or inaccurate through poor translation or summary.
(L. partulae particulae: a fragment of a fragment)
adj. well thought out although seemingly chaotic. "Horner's ramblings often led to brilliancies, but their patetic nature invariably vexed his audience.
(Gr. patesis: wandering)
adj., An obvious problem which no one will face or acknowledge. An object of mass denial.
(Sp. pato + morfo: in the shape of a duck, e.g. "if it walks like a duck ...")
v., to repeat a request constantly in an effort to where down the resistance of the potential grantor.
(alt. peen: a rounded hammer for shaping metals)
percule, perculation;
n., The gem or kernel of wisdom in a statement which is not recognised in time to be of value.
(orig. uncert.)
adj., A broadly trumpeted conclusion later proven false. Describing or pertaining to, or being an important discovery which turns out to be a pig, either figuratively or literally, as in the case of "Nebraska Man," a purported human ancestor elaborated from what turned out to be a single tooth from a wild pig.
(Eng. peccary: a wild or feral pig)
adj., In a state of overpreparedness for an event which will not occur; all pumped up with nothing to lift.
(L. pectoris: chest)
n., One country under discussion, whose name is arbitrary or not important. Also Pelonian. see frabney, Elmonia.
(Heb. ploni elmoni: such and such)
v., To capitulate to mediocrity; to continue after burnout to collect a paycheck for going through the motions.
(L. per cessere: after defeat)
n., An affliction sometimes mistaken for caffeinism, wherein the sufferer is morbidly cheerful. Some children's televion show hosts exhibit advanced stages of chronic percuption.
(L. percuptatis saccharinis: sweetened vomit)
n., A presentation given with all the animation and personality of a frozen barnacle.
(L. per dormare: to sleepwalk)
Alteration of a word ending in order to increase its gravity.
(L. peri additio: to add around)
Chronic underperformance of official duties at a level immediately above actionable. Laziness masquerading as incompetence.
(L. peri + feaso: to slide past)
adj. Reduced to farce through laziness; fraudulent; fabricated. "McKeemaugh's reports were perfenestric -- pure fabrications."
(L. per fenestra: through a window)


perposit, perposition;
v., To forward an idea or scheme by unwitting proxy. To implant an idea in another's mind, while convincing that person that the idea is their own and worthy of active pursuit.
(L. per positare: passing through)
v., To give, under duress, a presentation of someone else's ideas, with which one internally disagrees. Also Persentation.
(L. per sento: to push through, as an awl through leather)
n., Presentation of "big picture" concepts without sufficient attention to feasibility of details.
(L. per specto: to see around)
petitate, petitation;
v., to attain a transcendant state of peace through the stroking of a favorite companion animal, or through imagining that activity. "Ms. Cait would always rely on petitation to gether through stressful times."
(comb.: pet + meditate)
n., A well rehearsed argument or pitch used to persuade superiors of the worthiness of a project; smooth mendacity in support of any cause.
(Alb. pzenta: a dense, bland barley cake eaten in late winter when stored food begins to run out)
v., To codify an incomplete or irrational set of beliefs into an organized political or social movement.
(corruption: philosophy)
n., Enhancement of dry written material with florid or grandiose language which is not meant to obscure or alter content; verbal ornamentation.
(Gr. Phlystra, goddess of color)
adj., Prohensile reasoning; a fishy argument.
(hellatine combinative L. pisces: fish + Gr. ichthys: fish)
n., The condition of multiple mimples on a single document.
(Creole slang. li' picne: bastard children of many mothers generally ascribed to the same father)
adj., accidentally carrying or conveying irony.
(Pikesh Idi: the war-ruined remains of an ancient Hindu temple which was dedicated to peace)
n., A universal word of dismissal.
(short. Lith. Pisanyatkis: Get lost!)
adj., Suspect or questionable in motive or intent.
(L. pisceantus: fishy; slimy)
n., a sporadically functional cog or mechanical linkage which is left unreplaced owing to the difficulty of the process necessary to access it. v., to vindictively stymie a process. adj. obtuse but necessary.
(OE watchmaking term)
n., A person beneath scorn or contempt; a consummate loser.
(L. non pitio tui: not to spit upon)
adj., Alternate offerings at a conference of no value other than to entertain those that were late and found no seat at the coveted presentation..
(L. plenum: extra)
n., An bureaucrat that invariably requires additional but irrelevant information or detail on every plan or proposal submitted.
(cockney slang. plinch: flea)
adj. Expedient but temporarily without stated justification. "The firing of the entire sales department was plitical. Discussions about what to tell the stockholders continued for the next two days."
(surgical medicine. plitics: articulated tweezers used to tied sutures behind obstacles.)
adj., Accidentally revealing of deeper feelings. "A sudden silence in the boardroom highlighted the pochean nature of Bascombe's statement regaring The Chief's pet project."
(Ire. pocheen: extremely potent home-made whiskey.)
adj., Having the necessary political leverage to sustain balance under pressure.
(L. podicula: having a big first toe.)
n., An individual suffering the delusion that their worth has been unjustly unnoticed, ignored or unrewarded. A whining incompetent.
(Gr.poea: one camped outside the gate)
Excessive diversification of ideas, assets, or duties.
(L. pollos: chickens + Gr. fero: to carry)
n., The expedient yet unlikely union of disparate political or cultural beliefs, as in the formation of a minority government by a coalition; the activities of strange bedfellows. Also polodamous.
(Gr. polodon: uncertain + damos: motherhood)
adj., In a state of paranoid desperation.
(G. poly: many + cusos: to blame)
adj., Oversensitive.
(G. poly: many + otos: ears)
adj. Stunningly conplex.
(comb. var. wonder/ponder)
n., A person widely known for being true to their word; a person or group whose public statements are supported by their actions.
(Namerashwa: a legendary female chieftain, granted immortality for her absolute honesty)
adj. Any statement, action or object causing a sudden, negative visceral reaction; gut wrenching. Also stereopoptic.
(opthal. acronym: pre-ocular prolapse)
adj., In negative judgement of one's peers, after the fact, after establishing distance from whatever failure is under discussion. "Frank's comments were postulanimous but tactful. There was none of the usual tone of superiority."
(L. post ulanandum: after survival)
adj. Inclined to make factually incorrect statements in a condescending or self assured manner, especially with regard to matters of common knowledge, while completely and hopelessly unaware of the falsity or inaccuracy of the statements. ex: "Mission accomplished! the jumpsuit clad president declared posively."
(Fr., poseur: imposter )
adj. Salvagable, with careful work..
(Sp. aguas potillas: drinking water)
adj., Proven by use, and improved by stress. "New employees never recognize how practile the Wyman Wheel is. They always come up with something they are sure is better, only to abandon it when things get hairy."
(L. practare: simplify)
preactive, preactivity modeling;

v., Colial addition of prefix upon prefix in an attempt to make one word fit anothers definition.
(comb. prefix + profuse)
v. To gain advantage by use of illicit prior knowledge.
(poker. prehand: any device employed to see the faces of cards as they are dealt)
adj., Foregone or predetermined, irrespective of process.
(L. pre stantum: known ahead )
n., Organizational gridlock brought on by excessive, far-flung prevarication.
(Psych. compulsive lying)
n., An outcome suggested in the wording of an assignment, making clear that autonomy and interpretation are not options.
(L. pre+versa: before the writing)
n., An idea before it has been tested by specious reasoning. Adj., The status of a committee or project before any actual work has been attempted.
(L. pre: as before + volute: spiralling ellipsis.)
v., To consign documents or ideas to a prioritory.
(L. prior retorio: waiting room )
n., A place of endless review, such as a committee which cannot or will not reach concensus; politcal limbo.
(L. prior retorio: waiting room )
n.,(logic) A spurious argument pursued, ad absurdam. Adj., Proceeding toward pointlessness or absurdity. Also proctile.
(Gr. proctos: anal)
n., Unsolicited and unnecessary detail.

adj., With a foregone conclusion or hidden agenda built in.
(L. pro hensa: to reach around)
adj., bringing or promising to bring failure. n., A bad influence or contaminant. A fatal flaw. Also prokakism, prokakist.
(L. pro: toward + Gr. kakostos: a worsening)
n., A openly speculative statement, meant to subtly taint or influence outcome, akin to witness tampering. Also Prolly.
(L. pro lollere: to bend toward)
v., to carefully critique a proposal that will negatively effect one's own work, with the clear knowledge that one's comments will not even be read; to be on the record.
(Yemeni. pr'aoosah maamnah: to polish bullets for one's own firing squad)
n., a ficticious element in a resume or oral history which goes unchallenged and is innocently perpetuated by others.
(hort: the viable portion of a weed root remaining in the ground when the plant is pulled up.)
n., A presentation crafted to allow a single predeterrmined conclusion. "Al Gore's movie was a well crafted propspective."
(Cinema/stage: intentional placement of backdrops and props )
adj., Evading recall or memory. Rendered mentally irretrievable by the attempt to remember. Also protomneme.
(Gr. proto: before or ahead of +mnemon: memory)
v., to knowingly pursue a lost cause out of spite or frustration, without regard to eventual cost or harm.
(orig. uncert.)
n., The unthinking multiple repition of an action or statement out of fear or ignorance. adj., Having or giving the appearance of a psodic. Also psodica, psodism
(Gr. psodos: stammering)
Psodos, The;
n., The ritualized penitentiary chant used to retrain unsatisfactory members of a dramatic chorus; failure to complete The Psodos led to involuntary lifetime exclusion from the artistic community. Any penance designed to either redeem completely or condemn absolutely. Also Psodomize
(Gr. psodokoi: the stammerers)
n., Any situation which puts one in the state of "being of two minds" about it.
(Gr. Psycho + tomy: to divide the mind)
n., By association, the lowest possible level to which a document can be dumbed down.
(Engl. mis-enunciation: public)
n., Someone who always comes too early AND wears inappropriate jewelry
(Gr. puncto: pointy )
adv., Immediate with inappropriate if not actually stupid participation. Slang form used, "He got puncted when Larry went on and on about his bleeyach problem."
n., A self-proclaimed expert discredited due to blatant incompetency. adj. language, written or spoken, where veracity, content and accuracy are sacrificed in the showcasing of the author's wit. "Eileen's pundant rants unexpectedly increased sales -- meetings became less well attended, with staff prefering field work to the meeting environment."
(orig. uncert.)
n., The cultivated practice of habitual punning which pervades all conversation of the practioner, irrespective of topic or setting. "The deacon's well-known penchant for punnistry kept the congregants in thrall throughout the funeral service -- even the deceased seemed braced for the next groaner."
(L. lex punitas: the whipped word)
n., The thug of management. "The clicking of her heels in the hallway amd Leonard's blood run cold. Babs was the purplier, and his was the only occupied office at this end of the hall."
(Fr. pruplier: bruiser)
n., A damning report submitted by the person whose job it might cost.
(OE. purvay: the cart carrying the condemned to the gallows )

n., A cough or subtle gesture meant as a signal of dismissal.
(Sipanyi, q'asma: the single-syllable prayer for a soldier departing for battle.)
adj., seeming to fit the situation at hand; workable but untested. n., A stopgap measure, once taken.
(Orig. uncert.)
v., To harshly judge a list based on prejudice; to find meaning and hidden significance where there is none.
(comb. queer + query )
adj., Approaching or working toward a state of apathetic inertia; weary. Also exquithant.
(Turk. qitta: cold ashes)

adj., Whining; meaching; full of inconsequential complaints; peevish. Also: raiancy.
(Sp. rajantar: to snivel)
v., To continue fruitless attempts at damage control.
(Eng. comb.: re-abort)
v., To fall back to a dogmatic but irrelevant position in the face of logic during an argument. "Once Bob reached for his pocket Bible, everyone knew he'd rebute, and the debate was over."
v., To change one's story to fit the desired result or fit in with the majority.
n., Altered or invented memories which have been repeated frequently enough to displace reality.
n., The sudden unbidden thought or realization the puts the mission into sharp focus.
(L. recticle: a splint or brace)
n., verbal backpedaling. Steve's presentations always raised questions from the Chief. The subsequent rediction could be counted upon to push aside all other agenda items." (also redict)
adj., Universally revolting, without possibility of habituation.
The workspace cubicle occupied by the strange co-worker most likely to make the evening news in a violent or gruesome way.
(Gr. reptos: creepy)
adj. Words or actions denoting a rapid and methodical retreat.
(zool. the predicted path of a snake under a given set of terrain features)
n. One who is the last forced to leave a squatters encampment. Within a bureaucracy, the position of maintaining a presence in a moribund program.
(Fr. pule'en nais: the last vagabond chased with torches from a camp.)
v., to create a permanent structure or process by the continuous ammendment; to correspond in an email conversation without changing the subject line when the subject itself has shifted.
(L. res rerum re!: "the thing of the thing is the thing!")
n., The rerefied process of organizational restructuring.
(contraction, addititive form: reorganization)
v., to perform one edit too many; to sacrifice critical content for word count. Also respratory
(L. sprato, spratere: to starve oneself)
n., A recalculation, which employs newly minted variables to achieve the predetermined result; mathematical extrapulation.
(L. res ex tracto: things pulled out )
adj., Someone who could be successful if they could only be set in motion, in a direction, any direction.
(Latvian. restigi: waiting)
n., The outcome or process of selective deletion; cherrypicking. Usually used to describe the stripping of valuable parts or key components, while leaving the rest to useless continued existence.
(Oromo. retete: to butcher a carcass)
v., to define a truth by retulation; the valid use of ontology. adj., proven by recursive definition. n., a singularly terradent terradence.
(L. retulo: a form of acrobatic onanist ritual performed by the ancient Sybarites)
adj., Having accidental or unintended profundity.
(L. res valoris: a brave thing)
n., Legislation which intentionally or accidentally defeats the intent of an ordinance or statute while leaving said statute on the books.
(contraction/mid-reduction: REVised statUTE)
adj., Familiar yet unfamiliar, in a mildly unpleasant way; a sort of deja vu noir.
(Old Ger. gherheunchenschlaagenschelz: bunion)
adj. Comfortable in an unproductive state.
(botany: having sterile flowers)
adj., Unsettled or unstable.
(L. ructo: to belch)
n., A person seeming too fit or physically active for their years.
(Icelandic, rudj: made of leather )
n., a self arresting or self defeating action. adv., with decreasing efficacy. Also rundancy.
(OE. roundel: to be wound around a capstan)
adj. The emotions of awe to nausea felt from observing overripe tree fruit falling.
(Dutch. ru'paul: the largest slow ripened fruit offered prisoners condemned to die.)
v., To attempt to stall a process by harassment or constant demand; to distract or create a diversion. Also irruttate. adj., thusly stalled.
(Tamil. iruttu-tal: to detain)
adj., Having some indefinite flaw detected only by gut feeling
(OE. ruzzy: a form of metal decay also known as tin pest)

n., one that is delusional with unwarranted optimism, or in complete denial of reality.
(Iraqi. sahaf: ostrich)
adj., Unabashedly ambitious while without real prospects for success; free from talent or self-knowledge.
(Gr. salpa: several species of transparent tunicate fish common in temperate waters, easily caught and of marginal value)
n., An idea subliminally planted in a person's mind by another. v., to plant a suggestion in someone else's mind without their awareness. Also salmentation.
(L. sal mentis: salt of mind)
n., An imbedded or implical public official; a tenured incompetent; a bouscent sinecure.
(orig. uncert.)
adj., Offering incomplete or insufficient protection proportional to the value of goods protected; poorly designed.
(L. scrotum: bag of jewels)
adj., A word or phrase bearing an obscure or propietary second meaning or reference. Forming an inside joke by nature of jargon or usage.
(L. scuibit: a giggle)
n., A cautious and non-commital reply, usually monosyllabic, which signals that the listener may have reservations about the topic at hand.
(Scot. scurt: to tip one's hand at cards)
n., A damning confirmation, often made immediately after a bizarre claim, of the speaker's unabashed disconnection from reality.
(L. secondus: the next)
n., a spontaneous small gathering of people, for no apparent reason, usually in a constricted, high traffic area.
(Gr. semblos: a ravening mob)
v., To make legislation immortal by inclusion of a renewable porkbarrell or untouchable sacred cow."
(L. semper: always, forever)
n., Helpful, accurate, and timely information, usually pertaining but not limited to septic system design and maintenance, disseminated before it has been approved by higher management; any information which is permenantly restricted as a result of such dissemination.
(comb. septic + propaganda)
n., A measure of specolation; the growing number and volume of imagined consequences driving a decision or demand for hasty action.
(L. et serio extra: and another thing)
n., the final document which closes a project or extinguishes a proposed project.
(L. sesso, sessare: to settle [to the bottom]; to come to rest, as a sunken ship)

n., An object or document damaged (or corrupted), but recognizable, which might be redeemable by very careful action.
adj., capable of momentarily stopping time, due to excessive impropriety.
v., to erase or overstrike, such that noticeable damage to the paper on which a document is printed or written occurs. Also shumpart.
(Orig. uncert.)
n., an overcorrection of an insignificant or nonexistent error; an erasure or overstrike which noticeably damages the paper on which a document is printed or written. Also shump.
(Orig. uncert.)
n., verbal approval accompanied by a false promise of written approval to follow.
(Jap. shii gata: a rope of insufficient length)
n., An utterance which only the speaker thinks is profound. "The bishop's address was a tiresome collection of wilkered simplitives."
(L. simplitii: the ten axiomatic foundations of discourse)
n., A sincere remark which utterly fails to address the point at hand.
(corr. Engl "sinjen" the British pronunciation of the surname St. John, thence from Sir Hector Albert "Pompy" St. John, Fourth Earl of Slappingham, a Torey Member of the House of Lords, 1888-1912)
n., A position or circumstance understood to be instantly and serially obsolete, from moment to moment. "The cases were coming in so fast that even the sitch reporting was suspended.
(slang contraction: situation)
adj., Altered or interpreted so as to skirt conscience or technical infraction.
(contraction: situational, as in situational ethics)
v., To incite fools to foolishness, in order to deflect scrutiny away from oneself."
(medicine, covalent twin: conjoined twins sharing an arm or hand)
v., To take the first or easiest option offered, without regard to consequence.
(shortened form s[e]lect)
adj., too good to be true; with an air of disingenuity; of dubious or unproven character.
(slang: slicker; city slicker)
n., The portion of a text that, by subtle implication, lays blame at the feet of someone other than the author or publishing agency. "The reference to the draft Federal guidelines was purest slivel. It would be years, if ever, before adoption in any form."

n., A hastily convened lunch or dinner meeting, with no other agenda than good company and good conversation.
(Finn. smas akkell: midwinter gathering)
n., Spontaneous and unguarded group expression of amusement in less than appropriate circumstances.
(reduct. comb. snicker + snap + laughter )
n., A fixer or insider; one able to get things done, provided no questions are asked about the means.
(OE. snaffle: to obtain by devious or irregular means)
n., A person that is clownishly obvious in their attempts to hide their errors and misdeeds
(corr. Eng. sneak)
Snow's Module;
n., Modular code embedded in software which allows knowledgeable operators to discreetly trigger an error message. The error message is invariably vague, and implies fault in, or the inappropriate nature of, a customer request. Until inactivated, the module will return the same message until the customer, superior, rival or other unworthy client is dissuaded from making the request. (See also Cyclomethod)
n., simultaneous submissions which are identical or nearly so. v., to submit multiple variants on a theme. v., to say the same thing at the same time as someone else.
(Etr. susor gor chora: the accidental chorus of nature)
adj., Bearing implied apology. Beneath pity or contempt.
(Sp. sorado: a hanged person)
adj., Falsely represented as pre-planned,usually pertaining to damage control or obstruction of justice.
(comb. tactical + spackle)
v., To abuse a speaking opportunity by ranting on a subject barely (if at all) related to the topic.
(OE spalt: a stonemason's mis-strike, where the hammer, chisel, or a chip of stone becomes a dangerous projectile)
spatial advisor;
n., An executive reassigned to a position in which impractical decisions carry no weight; the business equivalent of a sinecure.
(L. spatularia: elbow room)
specolate, specolation;
v., To pronounce with the authority of fact opinions or predictions with no shred of basis in probability or possibility.
(Ital. specola: randomly placed lightning rods in some larger farm fields)
adj., having changeable meanings; highly subjective; n., Any quotation, phrase, word or symbol whose meaning changes significantly between the first and second references, usually due to changes in related circumstances. Also infraspecular.
(L. specto eseculo: a second glance)
n., A person that takes with intense seriousness their inappropriate or unsuited assignment.
(OF. Spegulier, a street sweeper)
n., a contextually incorrect though valid word left in a document by a spell-checking program; also the word or words suggested as replacements by a spell-checking program for a surname or proper noun, as in "Gallstone" for "Gilsen"; v., to proofread or read in a hasty or inattentive way, as in "He spelched through the report after lunch, but was unable to answer a single question about it at the subsequent staff meeting."
(reduction from comtemporary jargon: spell-check)
n., An epithet intended as an insult, which fails for lack of imagination, content or relevance; a pointless statement, often psodic in nature. Also sphagulent.
(Gr. sphagos: an inedible dried moss found where stagnant water has retreated)
n., a stifling situation; a morass.
(comb. Gr. sphygmo: the pulse + quagmire)
n., Political analysis: croquane explanations crafted to color statements or events. Culinary: debris left in a salad spinner.
adj., Corrupt to the core.
(Ital. spolido: a cheese gone horribly wrong in the aging process )
spoll, also spole;
v. To damp down enthusiasm by use of grim reality.
(Ozark colloq.: spoil)
n., A obsessive self doubt.
(OE. spryke: a tiny nocturnal demon, often pictured or described astride a bedbug.)
v., To delegate or hand off an unpleasant task to an equal or subordinate, on the pretense that the recipient is best fit for the responsibility. Also spucal, spucery, spuctant.
(L. sputum: sputum)
v., To flirt with danger. n., A person who takes extreme risks for the thrill of it. "That spuche Robert is going to get his ass fired if management ever finds out he's been peeing in the potted ficuses."
(Gr. via Fr. sporxo: to kiss asps)
n., Any task, project, or responsibility which carries an overwhelming probability of failure. adj., doomed; ill-fated; gerbate. Also spuce, spuctancy.
(L. sputum: sputum)
v., To extend discussion of an agenda item in order to stall or avoid the next item.
(spush: a wad of cloth or other padding used to push errant lobsters back into crates by fishermen.)
adj., meeching to a point approaching raiancy.
(L. squetus: yelp)
n., A workable solution of dubious or unsanctioned source. Unauthorized fungibles. Also squidroy.
(Creole. esci d'roi: from the use of multiple currencies in disputed colonial territories)
nv, To employ a too-careful reading of fine points and phraseology to try to carry the point of a debate, especially when knowing full well that the preponderance of evidence supports a different conclusion. This technique is used most frequently by those citing state statutes or religious scriptures.
(Addiditive verb form. statute)
n., A treacherously ambitious co-worker or ruthless tyro. One whose self esteem is fed only by the demeaning of others.
(Estonian. stepaniya: a local agressive strangleweed of the genus Convolvulus)
adj. Having the appearance of a mixed blessing more negative than positive. Pertaining to genre of humor characterized by the phrase, "I have good news and bad news . . ." Also poptic.
(opthal: a simultaneous pre-ocular prolapse in both eyes)
adj. Having the ability to perform technical work under conditions of empirical separation or distance and without the use conventional methods; such as the practice of "windshield inspection" among some regulatory personnel, or the use of calibrated pencils for laboratory data recording.
(Scot. stewan: fortune teller)
adj., Politically obnoxious; seeking to create controversy or dischord. n., a hatchet-man; a doer of dirty work. Also stivalry.
(Slav. stivas: thug)
adj., Capable of production from a seated position; sedentary. Adapted to wheeled stools, wheeled chairs, or wheelchairs, allowing movement within a space. In explicendum: The stoolant nature of laboratory work often gives rise to the practice known as "butt-wheeling."
(Engl. stool: a portable seat)
n., An intern whose need for supervision far exceeds his or her usefulness. (pl. stoontz)
(Icel. stoonec: hobble)
n., The extreme work ethic wherein one seeks out the riskiest or most unpleasant tasks or assignments in order to curry favor or ensure retention. A flaunting of appetite for challenge. Also stottic.
(Afrikaans: stott: Leaping behavior exhibited by some antelope species while pursued or stalked by predators; seemingly a taunt.)
n., Any first draft better left unsubmitted, usually thrown together under deadline pressure and/or destined for a hostile audience.
(contraction: firST dRAFT)
adj., The shape or form achieved by forceful tightening. n., An agent which severely constricts and separates any body with elastic boundaries, such as a rope hung sack of shit. Also strigulate.
(L. strigula: corset) As used ca. 1488: Millwraithe's Heptad Elegy :
"Canto IV
The Faerie Earle sit spuctant pline
Aye mistress haeck a'sward too mete,
The Fayte revealed nether limbs declyne,
'Neathe fleric strong as verdante bough,
The proudest limbe which he had stood,
Now heaveth strigulant beneath his belly.
Canto V.
Lies Faerie Earle in Summer's forge,
His past repast would not forget.
Agonate rising of the Gorge.
Unholy spryke without relent
of Sleep in doubly numbered nights,
Of aun and two and two again rundant."
n., The traits exhibited by college students as they formalize their career goals as bureaucrats, often triggered by stints as interns.
(It. stuenza: the dole)
adj. An idiocy uttered when the speaker wakes from a nap in a meeting.
(medicine. stupor fluosis: an involuntary bowel movement resulting from a physical or chemical insult to the brain)
adj., That which settles a question or gives definitive evidence.
(L. subant hic: the [pants] drop here. from the centurion's formal command to a soldier suspected of theft to remove his clothing.)
v., To lose by winning; apparent gain negated by hidden cost. Avery subceded in her promotion to vice-president -- the higher salary worked out to a much lower hourly rate. Also subcess, subcession.
(L. sub cesso ex tabula: off-the-books cost)
n., A raft of documentation, put together with haste and poor attention to detail, usually offered at or just after a deadline; a panic driven paper blizzard.
(comb.: submission cluster)
v., To reveal the ordinary; to strip away pretention. To tarnish an overvalued reputation.
(L. sub stannum: under the tin)
n., The purposeful omission of data which fails to support or skews values away from a desired result; see also Restraction.
(L. sub res tracto: to put something under )
v., Colial appending of suffix upon suffix in order to change or evolve the part of speech of a word, as in the orient(v.) to orientation(n.) and back to orientate(v.)
(Engl. multiply suffixed)
adj., Unique to the point of negation or loss of credibility. Pertaining to an outlying traitor talent. "Mr. Jeremy's engineering genius was superfious, lost and mired in the impassable swamp of his personality defects."
(L. super fio differendem: which does not fit)
n., Any sizeable report or project, brought in under budget, ahead of schedule and exceeding performance expectations.
(contraction: super miraculous)
adj., cleverness taken too far, as in a Rube Golberg design. v., To complicate with cuteness.
(L. supra: too + cogere: clever)
n., a single well-meant amendment, rider, or other addendum which defeats the utility of the parent document or article; usually appended by a person or subcommittee impervious to veto. Not to be confused with a joker, which is purposely placed.
(L. sur, sub + dicere: below speaking)
adj., Having elevated newsworthiness solely due to salacious, inflamatory or prurient content.
(L. ex cloacam suriendam: rising from the sewer)
n., The habitual and incessant application of applicable and appropriate multisyllabic verbage to the extant circumstance, inevitably culminating in misunderstanding by the intended recipient of the communication..
(L. In nomen plus sus qua syllabi: In the name of more explanation)


n., A rundant koan; instructions which lead away from understanding.
(Jap. takan-do: with ankles bound)
adj., With well-hidden consequences; offered as tempting but poisoned bait.
(zool.: Tamia tobiter, the Lesser Snapping Turtle)
n., The art of twisting the meaning of words and phrases, particularly in quotation.
(Jap. tasatsu suru ami: murder of words )
A patently inappropriate person holding an honorary or advisory position of no power; an embarassing figurehead. "Once Eileen became the tatular chair of the project, all hope of funding was lost."
(word coined by Sen Hollis Nasswhile vrenching in 1947: "Coolidge was the tatular head of government; that is to say a potato could have done as well a job!"
n., A dumbed-down method of addressing subordinate employees. Also tawkentoya.
(Jap. tawa kento: peasant vernacular, literal: crude language )

v., To compile computer text in a proprietary way, so as to reduce comprehensibility through interpretation by varying software types.
(Computer jargon: Text Editor Rundant Charset. )
adj., A statement or action so intrinsicly true and relevant as to be obvious. Also terredence, interredent.
(L. Terra: the earth + dentum: teeth)
n., A lazy and opportunistic scoundrel.
(comb. thalweg [path of least resistance] + scalawag)
v., To invoke the status of patient upon an employee or coworker. The use of bureaucratic ju-ju to stigmatize all interpretations of behavior or speech.
(Eng. [addititive corruption]: therapy)
A concept posessing plausibility equal to its implausibility.
(comb. think + peculiar)
n., An artificial impasse, implicitely agreed to by both sides of a public disagreement in order to buy time or impress constituencies.
(L. tibus: an aun)
n., A person who seemingly must natter to remain conscious. Any generator of the verbal equivalent of white noise.
(Fr. titein: a small, clattering, ornamental garden whirlygig designed to drive away gophers.)
v., The last desparate stages of versure. That brief period prior to the physical or psychological flight or abandonment of one's doomed position. Literally, to borrow in order to pay interest.
(Gr. toco: to pay interest + L. versura: to borrow)
adj., Dumbed down to an extreme.
(misphonesis: stupid)
n., Any VIP being squired through a workplace in order to impress, curry favor or otherwise secure future resources. Generally, tourons serve no other function.
(Fr. touron: wheelbarrow)
adj., Beyond stupidity; completely bereft of intellectual content. v., to arrive at the least intelligent conclusion possible. Also transipidal.
(L. trans: across + sipido: to stupefy)
n., The array of positive outcomes directly inspired by a single successful high risk presentation
(OE. triffel: sweet cream )
n., The lump in one's throat as failure is realized by a superior and the unavoidable effect on one's career is set in motion.
(Ger. trost: without comfort)
n., An interim manager, brought in to assess the viability of a work unit. Typically in place fewer than ninety days, they rarely make changes beyond movement of furniture and temporary suspension of leave.
(Belgian. troule: trowel)
adj., shaped by reduced expectations. "Marketing had a truncular version ready in case revenue forecasts were down."
(Gael. tudge: a semi-liquid mass of incompletely formed peat)
n. A person cursed or blessed with the ability to stultify any proceeding merely by joing it..
(opthal. acronym: pre-ocular prolapse)
n. Thought or contemplation on disturbing or perturbatious issues.
(L. turbare: confuse + putare: think; consider)

n., A broach of etiquette resulting from lack of syntax. Adj., ulpismic, when speech is dystetic; so without syntax that its use is socially harmful.
(Swed. Öelup: speak with one lip)
unindate, unindation;
v., to completely expunge, such that all references are also deleted. "The Legal Department did not just redact the file before the press got it. The unindation was so complete, it was as if Edwards had never been born, let alone worked for the company."
v., To make less of a policy or idea; to tear down rather than to build up. When an idea or policy is unnerated the effect on employees is a weakening effect or to ennerate.
(L. ablusa nerro: to pour down the drain )
v., To damage or degrade under the guise of improvement.
(Technical term for system bypass which release raw sewage to receiving waters)
n., A missent memo or e-mail which contains damaging material. v., To missend e-mail, usually via group broadcast.
(computer programming jargon: a damaging file which cannot be deleted )
adj., without valid claim or even remote connection to offense, injury or injustice, but vocally offended nonetheless.
"The uprootless protesters were there for the slogan shouting and window smashing. It was their sick idea of a block party born of petulence and boredom."
(Engl. without having been uprooted)
n. The study of fads.
(comb.: urge + economics)


adj., Able to present oneself as being of a different social class.
(Sanskrit. varnah: color, depiction, social class, or caste)
venoment, venomentary;
adj., poisonous, as in a poisoned pill. Elements within a proposal or offer which make acceptance dangerous or too expensive.
(Arch. pharm., venoment: a drug intended for euthanasia offered as medicinal.)
n., A position paper that presents its case from numerous points of view.
(Ivan Verkelovich, an obscure mid-19th century Russian author, whose novels were even more tedious than those of most contemporaries.)
n., The condition of appearing too useful; too perfect. "Everett's job as a security guard belied the versatality of his resume. As a secondive, he blamed his condition on a government conspiracy." Operating within more than one system of accountability, such as jerrynomics and lasbinomics.
v., To buy time in the face of iminent failure or discovery. Literally, to borrow money to pay off a debt. Also versure, tocoversure.
(L. versura: to borrow)
adj., Clearly dangerous or threatening; intentionally threatening. Mimicking a dangerous object or condition, especially as a defense mechanism. Also viriscence.
(L. corruption of Aracauna: uwa-iri: rainbow death frog)
n., The corrupted form of a word, wherein vowels have been inserted or appended in order to add glamor, quaintness or mystique to the word in question.
(Flemish. vouel: embellishment)
v., involuntary verbal, often explosive, venting, characterized by a complete lack of political and social correctness; an irrepressible mental sneeze.
(onomatopoeic transcription)

n., Any arbitrary dictum made without warning, explanation, or apology by a person in authority. Any action where sufficient justification is offered simply as: "Because."
(Bedouin: waabi: chief + Gr. rubric: rules)
v., to predict events with only enough precision and accuracy as to inspire uncertainty.
(Gael. whar pole: a diving device employed by druids at the death of a chieftain)
n., A test or assignment wherein the goal and the proscribed means of achievement are mutually exclusive; any legal result obtained by illegal means.
(orig. uncert.).
adj., Self-neutralized by scandal or revealing gaff.
(Pol. wdgja: strangled)
n., A bitter cruciform vegetable resembling kale used medicinally on the steppes of Eastern Europe as a purgative or tapeworm remedy. Any bitter medicine of questionable efficacy.
(Magyar. werdna: road cabbage, ditch leaf)
The temporal source or origin of something. "We knew from whence but not wherse came he. He might have been in our midst a day or a lifetime unseen." -- 25:11, Book of Bonab.
(archaic: wherce: when)
n., A person that must have the newest technology, useful or not.
(Fr. wigettier: tinkerer, inventor)
adj., Disoriented due to unnoticed minor changes to one's surroundings; ineffective due to required multi-tasking.
(Old High German [w=v, accent on second syllable] visited by Wige a demi-godess of disorder)
v., To overdramatize excessively; compulsive embellishment, particularly by dramatic pauses and alteration of voice or inflection.
(OE. Wilker: to tamper with scales; to defraud)
n., A memo or written warning broadcast given with the intent to flush out the guilty by their hasty reaction to it.
(Gr. williad: the oracle of justice)
n., An imported executive, whose glowing reputation strains credibility.
(Ger. wunder + Gr. crassos: a miracle worker)

adj., Causing fulminant interconnectivity; rendered ineffective by proliferation of internal detail. n., Any official plan, policy, or mandate which fosters xygency. A person promoting xygency.
(Gr. xyges: placenta)

n., Fluff or filler; mindless chatter.
(Hebr. inedible chaff of botanical origin resembling manna)
n., An assignment that most be carried out, and cannot be avoided. Duty driven drudgery.
(siSwati. yebo baba: yes sir, right away, sir)
n., that material which builds up on any spinning or reciprocating shaft; tainted lubricant.
(Low Ger. jelleg deschelct geschafttenolestra: bonus oil)

n., the distance between the eyes; the narrowest part of the bridge of the nose. Also azaphic.
(Gr. zaphos: pinch)
adj., Potentially unstable or disastrous.
(Urdu. Zossat: quicksand)
n., The neurotic or self-aggrandizing need or desire to be last. Also zyxic, zyxism, as in, "Don't wait for that zyxic bitch, she'd arrange to be a half hour late for her own funeral!"
(Gr. zyxon: the theoretical last moment of the end of time)